Can I Have A Puppy!?

I wake up in bed. Today’s my day!
Popping on my bunny slippers I slide down the hallway, racing, like my life depends on this moment (which it REALLY does!!!). As I come across the kitchen, my parents are eating away. Perfect! (They’re always in a good mood when you let them eat.) Carefully I quietly ask “Can I have a puppy? Pretty PUPPY! Please?” But there is no reply. “Come on! Why can’t we get a puppy!” They just stare at me, I know the reason. I’m not responsible enough for a puppy! I stomp off.
The next day I have a brilliant idea! I even calculated there will be a 90% chance of success!
I still give it a go. While Mum and Dad aren’t looking at me I sneak into their jean’s pockets and… TAKE THEIR WALLETS!!
I find all I need to get a puppy. Sneakily stuffing the money in my pocket, I walk off whistling like nothing’s wrong and I’m totally, 100% not suspicious. While taking money out of the pocket, my bratty brother walks in and busts me into parent jail! Poop!
Okay, this HAS to work! Otherwise, I don’t know what will! I scoop my brother up into my arms and we stroll off together. Mum and Dad notice we are getting along, but I don’t care.
I walk out of the hallway from my bedroom and gracefully skip into the kitchen. Trumpet noises fill the room, like a fancy smancy person was coming. But that’s way off.
My brother crawls out in a puppy costume!
“Woof, woof!” He barks. This has to work! He’s so cute! All I get are 2 loud booming NO’s. Now, I don’t have a puppy and have to put up with a sobbing baby!
Okay I’m getting very tired and I can see my parents are too. I have to think about this in another way. Hmmmm, I don’t know what to do!
“I’M COMING MUM!!!” I scream back.
We stop at Woolies next to the pet shop. (They better not be rubbing it in my face!) I don’t move in frustration, Mum saw that so she said I could by some lollies. It’s not as good as a puppy, but yum! Suddenly I see a crowd build up near the pet store when the door swings open and a puppy launches itself out the door! I quickly race after it and scoop it up in my arms.
“I wish I could have you!” I whispered. The shopkeeper runs up to me.
“You know, we were going to give this little mut away. But after what you did I’d be willing to give it to you for free?” I looked at my parents. Dad nodded but Mum was slow. She smiled at me.
“YES!” It was the happiest day ever! Everyone asked me what I was going to call it. I grinned.
“His name is Runaway.”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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