Racing car danger

There was a boy called ALI and his dad called Abdullah ALI loved car’s so much he Evan went with his dad a paints the car in the shop .When he grow up he loved cars Evan more .There was a day when he told his dad that can I Enter a car compactions his dad said ok but what kind of car do you want I want a ford .F.P.V I will get you the car tomorrow.ALI went shopping for his new car when he came back home his dad was still at home but his dad was tricking him and his dad said I didn’t get it un till you clean the garage so ALI went to the garage and he saw a car ford F.P.V and his dad came and said do you like it ALI said I love it dad so his dad said are you ready for the compactions.

Next day ALI was ready for the first day for a race he got his car and got ready for it 3.2.1 GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALI started the race he was in lead and some body was about to beat him but ALI put on his TURBO and he won the race he wan a gold meatal. He had some more friends but he had more enemy after days and days of wining and losing the captain said we are going to practise so then all went out and they all lined up for a race 3.2.1.go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They started the race and ALI was in the lead and he was really good he wan the race his enemies said that he has illiegle stuff in his car so they checked his car for a whole day they didn’t find nothing in the car next day was the finales when he wanted to go to the compaction but his enemies got him they hit him but he didn’t give up he hit them then he went to the compaction then he said to his enemy that you think NISSEN is better then FORD they started the race ALI won the race he got the trophy and won


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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