Game Over

‘YOU ESCAPED THIS TIME’. The screen flashed as Gorge held his breath

The door cracked open to show a small woman holding a tray of bacon and eggs “Breakfast is ready dear, can you come down stairs your father would like to talk to you?” the woman said though the half opened door in which rubbish was blocking from opening any more than an inch.

“Go away mum!’” George shouted, from his seat which he hadn't left in at least a year. Hearing this, George's mother grew mad. She slammed the door as she trudged away annoyed.

George heard his mother stomp off; but he just continued to look at the computer screen in front of him as he downloaded the new game that had just released called ‘LOCKED IN’

After a while George finally logged into the game, taking in every inch of detail on the screen. Creeping through the virtual house, George's character started to hear scary music. Just as George was about to open a door in his game to enter the next level he heard a loud bang coming from down stairs. Curious, George made his way to his bedroom door, as soon as he turned the doorknob it all went black!

George awoke in a house but not his house. This house was pitch black and something red was plastered on the walls like a bad paint job. Confused, George tried to stand up a heavy weight on his chest, pressing him down as he tried to stand; after a few attempts he managed to stand, suddenly there was a large bang. The young man now stuck in this house, scared and confused, looked for somewhere to hide. the booming footsteps getting closer and closer! Boom! They went over and over! out of nowhere George saw a locker and hid in it not wanting to be seen by the creator roaming the house.

From where he hid George saw a large creature like man wielding enter the room and look around. Suddenly George accidentally fell revealing himself and in a blink he was thrown over the things shoulder. After a long walk the creature placed George in a room but little did the creature know there was a door in the back of the room. When the thing left it locked the door and when George couldn’t hear the loud footsteps any more he lunged at the door trying to open it with no avail. After a few attempts George decided to have a look around the room, noticing crates, rats and a door. Wait a door?! George was astonished as this was not part of the plan but still George tried to open the door. In a blink of an eye the door flung open. suddenly it all went black.

George was back in his room just about to open the door to his bedroom. Confused, George sat back in his chair as the screen read ‘YOU ESCAPED THIS TIME’. Terrified, George shut down his computer and promised to never play a horror game again. Until a new game returns.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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