Geoffrey and his feelings

It was a sunny morning and a Geoffrey the giraffe was playing with his friends.
His friends’ names were Roger the Rhino, Harry the Hippo and a Zebra called Zilzie.
But his friends were talking without him. Geoffrey was sad because he thought they were telling secrets about him.
He went to his mother and told her what was wrong.
“Oh dear, are you sure it’s you they’re talking about? Don’t you think you should ask them first before getting so upset?"
“But every time I’m eating I can hear them and when I look over, they turn away.”
“Wait and see if they do it tomorrow, then.” said his mother.
It was the next morning and he raced out to his favourite spot and his friends were already there, whispering. It made him feel more upset because he thought they were talking about him.
He decided he should go and ask them why they are whispering about.
He smiled with courage (but he was scared on the inside).
"Hi" he said.
"Oh, hi Geoffrey."
"What are you talking about?" Geoffrey asked.
Roger, Harry and Zilzie just looked at each other.
"But why won't you tell me what's going on?"
"Oh, um, oh, it's nothing much." they said.
This made him more unhappier so he just walked away. He didn't understand why they wouldn't tell him. Why not, he thought.
Geoffrey's mother came over and asked him how things were this morning.
"Well, not very good!" he said angrily.
"That didn't sound very nice, Geoffrey."
"Sorry, it's just that I am so angry. I did what you said Mum, I tried to ask them, but they said it was nothing. And now they don’t want to be my friends anymore.”
Then Geoffrey really started crying. “Why Mum?”
“I think I’ll let your friends tell you, Geoffrey.”
He turned around and saw Zilzie, Harry and Roger standing there.
“We want you to be our friend.” said Harry.
“Really?” a surprised Geoffrey asked.
“Yeah, of course!” said Roger.
"Then what were you guys telling secrets for?" replied Geoffrey.
“Well, we were whispering because we were too scared to ask you something.”
“You were scared? To ask ME something? What did you want to ask me?”
“Well,” Zilzie said, “We wanted to know, because you are taller than us, if you could reach some leaves from the top of the tree.”
"I've only got short legs." said Roger.
"And I so love the soft bark." Harry added.
“That’s the secret? But you made me scared. I was sad, and angry. You really hurt my feelings.” said Geoffrey.
Now the other three friends felt very bad.
“We are so sorry. I guess we didn’t realise how you would feel. Can you forgive us?”
Geoffrey looked at his mother. She was smiling.
“Yes. And we will always be best friends, right?”
“Right!” agreed Zilzie, Harry and Roger.
And off they went, to get those good leaves from the top of the tree.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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