
Imagine a man.
He’s dead now.
He ate little children

Albert Fish
Serial Killer
Aged 65

The blood pours down young Albert Fish’s scrawny legs. His mother and father are laughing, smoking a drag.
His Grandmother, who is 60 years old, has her eyes squinted
“Say you love it”,
“I LOVE IT”, He yells in agony
His family was sick. Mental. Hillbillies.
They would bring out pictures of people being tortured and murdered eaten and starved. Whipped.
He was brainwashed. To grow up a do what he did. He had the idea that children like him were never treated that horribly disgustingly sick so he must get back at them. He must treat them how he was treated his whole childhood.

He loved red meat. Rare. Very rare he ate it so the animals blood leaked over the blood soaked plate. And after he had finished the meat he would drink the left over blood like a cocktail. He had the rare meat for breakfast lunch and dinner. His parents just kept feeding him that in hopes he would grow up to be satanic and worship the devil and to torture things.

The killing spree didn’t just start like ‘that’ he would kill baby sheep and then decapitate their heads and after that well, lets just leave it at that.

When he turned 50 he started.
He had put his plot he had been making for 40 years into action.

He found a little girl who was named Grace Budd.

When he saw her he knew she was his first.

He tortured her in the most inhumane ways. The sickest ways. The most twisted ways.
He tied her up. While she yelled and screamed he touched her lips and then licked his finger.
“Ohh”, He said.
“You are going to taste delicious”.

He did kill her.
He ate her whole body in 9 days.
He cooked it slowly with spices and vegetables.
He cut open each cheek of the bottom and lay bacon in it.

Albert had gotten away with it for a very long time.

Albert Fish went on to kill many more children in a variety of colours sort of like ice cream.

Last Victim

Billy Gaffney

He was taken to house far away. When taken there he was whipped until the blood ran down his legs.
He was tortured first and then he cut of Billy Gaffney’s Ears – Nose and slit his mouth from ear to ear. His belly was stabbed and then Albert drunk the blood, Cut the rest of him up. Eaten.

Finally he was trialed for the murder of the two children but got away with the rest.
Fish was executed on January 16, 1936, in the electric chair his final words were “I like children, they are tasty.”

And who am I?
The one telling the story?
Ho Ho, well I have to say the electric chair was better than eating any of the children.



25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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