Friendship Problems

Dear diary, 12/5/05

This is the first time I have ever talked to you. It must feel weird being a diary, just sitting there and doing nothing. Well the reason why I am writing to you is because I must tell you about an incident that happened at school today. Well my friend, to tell the truth he’s a bit of a dope. Because if he was asked what the square root of 9 was, (which we’re supposed to by now) he would say, “Oh, I haven’t done my homework yet”. So that’s my friend. Well today me and my friend were walking together and we saw a possum in a tree! But my dopey friend went up to it and said, “RAHHH” and unfortunately, the poor little thing ran away. My friend had just started laughing when I went up to him and gave him a big punch on the nose. “OOOWWWW!” he said, feeling frustrated. “WHY ON EARTH DID YOU HIT ME LIKE THAT?!!!!!?” he yelled.
“Well isn’t it obvious?” I replied, “Because you scared that poor little possum away!!!” .
“Well why did you have to hit me just because I scared away a possum?!?!?!” he said, cooling down.
“Well because I liked looking at it!!”.

And so that’s what happened today. Now my friend never wants to talk to me anymore.

Dear diary, 13/5/05

Today has been a great day! Well better than yesterday at least. I have found a new friend to play with! She’s nowhere near as dopey and she is the most popular person in the school. She’s also the leader of the school music club and she said I could join in! I’m so happy! Even though I’ve never been in this club before, I think I’ll do well in it! I’m so happy!!!

Dear diary, 14/5/05

Today has been so sad. When we were rehearsing, she said my voice was appalling, and that she should never have been my friend in the first place. I feel so sad because I can’t find any good friends that appreciate me. I never want to see another human being again!!!! I never want to see her again!!! I never want to see- well you get the picture!!

Dear diary, 15/5/05
Today has been another great day!! As I was walking home from school today, I saw a big Dalmatian sitting on the side of the road!! It looked sick so I took it to the vet. At the vet there was a boy, with black hair and baggy clothes. He was putting a poster up on the wall that said “Lost Dalmatian, fluffy coat of fur, and no collar. Looks sick. Reward of $100.” I went up to him and asked, “ Is this your dog?”.
“ Yes!!!” he replied. “Oh I’ve been looking for you for so long.” He said to the dog. “Thank you so much”
“My pleasure”.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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