Destruction Of Azaroth

Ten years have past since the destruction of Azaroth.
Now there is a new era of evil. The undead have emerged from the underground and are terrorizing all of stormwind but humans have come up with a new plan to save their city. “Aarh!” “The orb!” “Its failing.” “What are we to do?” “I really don’t know.”
“Send for my messenger to Janer Proudmore, she‘ll know what to do.”
“Sir! Sir!” “They're drawing near to the gates.” “Send the guards or something.”
“Sir Janer Proudmore is here!” “Welcome to my castle Janer.” “I know what to do.” “Well spit it out.” Go to the moon well in Evermoon city, there you will find the Crystal of Nature.” “Then what do we do.” You take it to the top of the beacon at midnight and then I will activate the crystal.” “Ok, what’s the catch.” If you drop the crystal you will kill all of us and the gods of power, we don’t want that happening otherwise you will perish in the temple of doom.”
“We won’t.” “Now be gone with you.” “Men to the moon well.” “We will teleportation.”
“Sir what’s that up ahead?” “That’s the moon well, quickly.” “Roah.” “Who are you?” I’m Queen Umunra and I protect these parts of the Land.” “Let us through.”
“NO I can not allow you to go any further!!!” “Why not I mean chances agents us you really have no choice.” “I will not let you go through because you might be a part of er….. mm I’m sorry but those things destroyed my town. We are just of the few who are left of the village's people.” “Maybe we can came to some kind of agreement.” Yes maybe we should.” “If you give us the crystal of nature you can be refugees until you are ready to leave.” “We will think about this as we do not have the crystal.” “Where is it?” “We think it could be where the necromancers live.”
“What are necromancers?” “Vile things that suck your blood and leave no traces of anything behind.” “There the things that attack our town.” “Well let’s go.”
“No way am I going to that place.” “Well dose that mean you don’t want to live in our city.” “Ok we’ll do it.” “We’ll use teleportation and also where do they live.” “They live in scardwoods.” “He goes nothing.” “Where here.” “This place is so dead.” “Sir I see the crystal it's on top of that shrine over there.” “Lets ambush them.” “Ok.” “Attack!!” “ERER…… I’ve... been….. Bitten take this… to Lady Sandra.” “What is it?” “It’s an amulet of gods please don’t lose it.” “I won’t.” “Goodbye.” “We must move.” “Come on you don’t what us all to be killed.” “Teleportation now.”
“Where back.” “YES.” “Now quickly go go it’s almost midnight.” “Sir we thought you might back around about now but the only problem is that you are going to die.” “Why would I die?” “Because the city as been breached and we haven’t got long to get out.” “No don’t worry we’ve got the crystal.” There’s no point because we are all infected and we will turn into something bad at midnight so go why you have the chance.” “No I going to use the crystal and free you from the infection.” “But you’ll kill us all.” “Well I have no choice.” “It’s starting Hel…p I’m going to get you.” “Janer now.” “I’m sorry why I would help you.” “Because you said would.”
“Aarh thank you that would be my crystal.” “NO!!!” “Activate it now.” “There done.”
“Aarh that light burns.” “I’m fading.” “Curse you.” “Yes the city is saved.”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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