Bad Pup

I was running around trying to catch my beautiful Arctic Fox, Beauty_brown1,

“Beauty, come here. Its time for your bath!” I cried,

“ME WANT NO BATH.” Beauty yelled back, I picked her up by the scruff of her neck and then walked to the bathroom and closed the door and sat her in the bathtub. She was making lots of fuss,

“BEAUTY, DO YOU WANT DESSERT TONIGHT” Lex yelled from his bedroom,

“OWWWWW.” Beauty whimpered, “me not dirty, me clean.” She whimpered,

“ No dessert for Beauty.” Lex said as he got back to cleaning his jelly topped room.

I walked out all dripping wet, and put Beauty in the timeout cage, and went to change for work. Afterwards, I walked out and jumped in my car to dropped off my baby pony, Baby Swirly at kindergatern then go to my job at animal bathing service big and small while Lex went to Burnside.

I walked Baby Swirly in to kindergarten and she started to cry and clinged to me,

“Hey mommy is gonna see you after kindergarten, honey.” I said and give her to Gemma,

“mommy no go.” She cried,

“Honey, I have to. But I will be coming back.” I said and kissed her,

“If you be a good girl, I’ll get you something.” I said and she calmed down and then I left.

I walked into the center and started to bath a kitten named Mango who adored me and after she was done, I worked on my favourite Midnight, a beautiful black tabby.

I give shampooed him with pet-paw-tabby-wash and then groomed him with a black cat paw paint brush. I was giving him a manicure when Gemma called me, Baby Swirly had a asthma attack

I drove down to the hospital where Baby Swirly was and she reached out for me when she saw me,

“Mommy is here, I’m here” I said picking her up and sitting her in my lap, and started to sing “Lean on me.” Our special family song had always been “Lean on me”.

“me feel bad mommy.” Baby Swirly sobbed, when Lex come in.

Gemma had called him and told him what happened.

Baby Swirly was discharged at 4 aand we was went home, I finally washed Beauty who now was sulking in her room,

“mommy, mommy.” Baby Swirly called to me from the nursery where she was having a nap,

“I’m coming.” I called and got up, Baby Swirly was crying and gasping for her puffer, I got the puffer and gave it to her.

I held her as I gave her three puffs and sat her down with Lex to watch Play School when I saw Beauty rush for the toliet with her paw over her mouth.
I walked to her as she threw up and she burst into tears,

“me sorry, mommy” She sobbed as I picked her up and sat her down on the couch next to Lex,

“Its ok.” I said and cleaned up the bathroom and then got the thermometer and stuck it up Beauty’s bottom, and waited for it to bleep and it read 40.00cs.

I decided to make him a special cure, I had to get some snowberries and brilliant faerie cream and strawberry ice cream and put it in a bowl and give it to Beauty and she ate some of it.

I then got Baby Swirly some rainbow snow puff and a Rainborific Slushie and a rainbow chia pop and a fruity iceblock and mixed them up and put the mix on a rainbow nugg and helped her to eat it.

I then got my cat Pop-icle some mint icecream, bottled fire faerie, yellow healthshroom, turkey milkshake, cherry brandy truffles, chocolate mousse, cat nip and put all of it on a chocolate milkshake and gave it to her…….

Wait for the next story for the next part


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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