Savannah's Strange Stretch

As you can hear by the sound of my scream, I'm a drama queen (when it comes to whats happened to me.)
Hi, I'm Savannah and I'm going to be telling you about my life at the moment. You see, I woke up this morning with an incredible pain throughout my left leg and I was shocked to hear... wait! I wasnt shocked to hear what had happened to me, and F.Y.I I'm not going to say the usual "yep you guessed it" because you havnt guessed it. The problem was, I had growing pain! It hurts but Im fine... And so was my Mum until I started screaming. But anyway, back to the story. I started to scream abit less when I found the pain had subsided.
Im going to school today because everyone in my family's busy today,and its not like I'm vomiting car tyres or anything. I just have some growing pain. Anyway, I got to go, I have class. I'll keep talking but that will be in a while so play cards or gamboy or something just dont get bored! I'll be back in about 6 or 7 hours, bye!

Oh oops, I forgot about you guys its too late now, goodnight.


MY LEG, IT'S HUGE! I'M NOT TALL I'M NOT NEAR TALL, I'M ON A TILT, I CANT BELIEVE THIS HAS HAPPENED! MY LEFT LEG IS ABOUT A METRE LONGER THAN MY RIGHT LEG!! OH OH OH OOOOOOOH THIS IS BAD, REALLY BAD! HOW? WHAT? WHY? WHAT? HOW? WHY? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH MY RIGHT LEG IS... HEH HEH HEH my right leg is hurting YAY!!!! I have growing pain! wait ouch! that means that tommorow I'll have the smae size legs and I'll be back to normal exept I'll be freakishly tall, HMMMMMM well it's better than uneven legs! I'll put you guys down, and tommorrow I'll tell you about my progress


WHAT HAPPENED TO MY TO MY TO MY EAR!!!! IT'S THE SIZE OF AN ELEPHANTS EAR. WAIT ITS THE SIZE OF AN ELEPHANT!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Wait, what's that noise it's... it's my sister talking, she's talking about make-up, no her debutant dress, no CHEESE! but my sister hates cheese...
I dont know?

lifes going to get alot different now but look on the bright side, I'm super tall and I can hear evryones conversations. Hold on, im getting something, it's... the president of the United States of America this is weird, I'm such a loser, I'm talking to myself, EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW

See ya wouldnt want to be ya, actually I would with these "conditions..."



25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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