Quest Of Youth

The story of the first of many adventurers is the story of Faroon. Faroon was a brave worrier and had won many awards from the kalman ( the name for ruler). He had completed many quests and now it’s time for him to be sent on one more. Balman the Kalman had summoned Faroon to his study to give him his mission briefing. “Faroon” started Balman “you're my most trusted worrier” Balman continued “ fearless,nobel and skilled” “ I can trust you alone to journey upon this quest for me”. By the way the Kalman was speaking Faroon knew this would be a dangerous task. Balman told Faroon that in his life would end soon. Balman had grown old and weak , he had no heir to continue his legacy. “Faroon I wish you to find the fountain of youth” Balman concluded
“My Lord I except your quest” Faroon replied evenly “I will leave first thing tomorrow morning”

Faroon had spent most of last night packing all the necessities. he saddled his horse before the first rays of sunlight. He had a sabre strapped to his waist witch he was famous all throughout the teribian for his skill. He also had a yew long bow slung over his shoulders with a quiver full of arrows . it was said that Faroon could hit a target from a distance of one kilometre, this of course was an exaggeration but it was close to the truth. by sunrise he was ready to set off on his quest. he rode towards sun heading east hopping by the end of two weeks to be in alaman were he would be able to catch a ship to lands unknown.

Faroon was sitting next to his horse Zelith a stallion that resemble some Arabian breed, but Zelith was far more nimble and fast than any hoarse for miles around. Faroon had brushed Zenith till his coat shone and was fletching some more arrows when the captain of the ship strode towards and announced that a ship was approaching a pirates ship.

As the enemy ship approached Faroon was crouched just below view with the rest of the ships crew all armed with various weapons. when the ship was side on the hole crew along with Faroon jumped up and attacked the crew of pirates Faroon took three men down almost at once then he retreated back and drew his sabre and instinctively engaged the five men coming. The first attacker was carrying a long sword and coped nasty surprise suddenly, a rain of blows wear coming his way *overhand, side cut underhand, lunge, overhand*. His body barely touched the deck before Faroon was attacking the next in line. After a long and tiring battle the remaining pirates fled to their ship. “This was the first of many obstacles” Faroon thought to him self.

“Tis as far as I’ll go sir” the captain announced. Faroon made port and started looking for clues to aid him in his quest.



25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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