Healthy Bits And Its Story

One, wet rainy day Monique was thinking of something interesting to do. It was inside play so she looked at all the other people in her class and she thought, “Hmm, I wonder if we are doing our takeaway survey. I bet everyone will pick McDonalds as their favourite. Then, suddenly, she had an idea. “What if, instead of McDonalds, there was a restaurant called healthy bits?!” Then she spent the rest of her lunch writing her menu.
After school Monique told her Mum. “Wow! That’s really good! If you really want to do this there’s a store going really cheap and the brains of you, your dad and I could come up with how the restaurant could work!” “WHAT?” Monique gasped. “Really, that’s amazing!” “Okay. Dad should be home soon. Then we can go and check it out.
When Monique’s Dad got home, Monique told him everything. “Wow! That’s awesome Monique! Ummm, who’s going to cook?” Monique’s Dad asked in reply. “Dad, that’s the good bit. You and I can make a machine that has healthy foods stored and when the person drags the food together, the machine behind creates the dish!” Monique very nicely explained. “Okay let’s go then!” Monique’s Mum and Dad laughed.
The next day it was Saturday so Monique and her Dad started thinking about how they could make the food machine. Monique’s Dad was an inventor so it was quite easy. “I have the equipment so I’ll get started.” Monique’s Dad explained.
“I’M DONE!” Monique’s Dad yelled. Monique ran to the shed. “Wow! That is so cool!” Monique’s Dad let her make some food so she made a fruit salad and in seconds it was all done. “Oh, that’s so good.” She thought it was the best.
The very next day after lots of preparations, Monique and her parents went to the new restaurant. There was heaps of people there.
Afterwards the food critic told Monique that the food was fantastic. She was Flabbergasted.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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