Mama Mia, Here We Go Again

“Hurry up, demanded Mum, “you’re going to miss the bus!” It’s always like this at our house in the mornings. My school day starts very early so that means I’ve got to wake up at the crack of dawn, get ready and usually rush to catch the bus. Unfortunately that means I’m always tired at school. Or maybe it’s because I go to bed very late, but you can’t blame me for that because I’ve got homework to do and I just have to listen to a few songs from ABBA before bed each night!
When I arrived at school, my teacher, Mrs Barrel was screeching and pulling at her hair as she handed out tests to everyone. “Mama Mia, here we go again,” I muttered to myself. I hated those tests with a passion. I never paid attention in class so I never really understood what the tests were about. Usually I averaged 3 out of 10. On this occasion, I only managed 1 out of 10. So I was quickly handed a yellow card and had to sit inside the classroom at lunchtime and redo my test. What a miserable day!
After arriving home I hurled my green school bag across the floor, stomped into my bedroom, slammed the door and threw myself sulkily onto my big blue bean bag. I turned on the radio and to my great excitement my favourite song “Dancing Queen” by ABBA, was on. The day was finally improving! I closed my eyes and sung my heart out.
What seemed like only a few moments later, my body felt like it was being sucked into the radio. I was drifting through darkness but then suddenly I started to focus on a sea of vibrant colours and could hear loud cheering. There were faces everywhere in front of me. As I looked around I was suddenly shocked to see I was live on stage with ABBA and had a microphone in my hand. I started singing and to my surprise I was actually performing brilliantly. I was singing “Dancing Queen”! I was so impressed with myself. I walked forward to wave dramatically to the crowd and just at that moment fireworks went off. Could this moment get any better!
After the show the members of ABBA took me back stage. They worshipped me for my awesome singing and I boasted about being born for the stage. Surprisingly, they liked me and they asked me to join them for dinner. It smelt so good. I was hungry…….starving…….my mouth was watering…… but sadly I was suddenly awake and back in my room, still sitting on the bean bag, in my uniform and the radio was still on. The dinner I could smell was not going to be with ABBA. It was just Mum’s lasagne cooking. I want to go back to that dream….


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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