
Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock it was 10 o’clock, a ten year old boy was waiting in his bed room for his mum. James was alone at home; his mum had gone to the pet store. “When is my mum going to be home, can’t wait to see what pet I get” he said. All of a sudden James heard his mum’s car pull in the drive way, she waked inside with a big box. She put on their dinner table and called for James. “James come down stairs, I’ve got a present for you” she said. James ran down stairs to the dinner table, he opened up the box and out popped a beautiful Rhodian Ridgeback. It had a beautiful coat and it was only a puppy, “What do you want to call it James” she said. “What about Bandur” James said, “yes I like that name” she replied.

James and Bandur went on so many adventures in their backyard. But he never new he would another world in his backyard. James had a huge yard it was like a forest. There were huge bushes and huge tree, James built a few tree houses in some tree and would play in them all the time with Bandur. One night is when it happened, James was asleep and his mum was fast asleep. Bandur heard strange noise in their back yard started to bark, James woke up but his mum was still fast asleep. James took of his pyjamas and put on his clothes and a jacket, he went to the backdoor. As soon as he opened the door Bandur ran straight into the backyard James had to run after her. “Bandur come back here girl come on come back, Bandur, Bandur, Bandur”!!!!! James found Bandur in the tree house, “what is it girl what have you found” he said, when he got in the tree house he saw a shinny bright light. It was a portal to anther place in time; Bandur was on the other side barking. “Bandur is everything ok” he said on the other side he heard roaring and thumping so loud. As he walked to the other side he ended up in a world he had never seen before it so deserted. He saw Bandur at a forest, the trees started to shake as birds flew out of them. He could feel the thumping on the ground Bandur kept on barking. “Bandur stop barking, I mean it stop” she stoped barking but the thumping continued, it got louder and louder and louder then it stoped. James and Bandur stood there out popped a cute little duck, “Bandur it is only a duck” he said. Right in front of their eyes a huge T-rex opened its mouth and ate the duck. Bandur ran away but James just stood there looking. After 5 seconds he remembered it’s a T-rex and ran away yelling. “Ahhhhhhhhhh”, Bandur got through but James was still running he finally got through. “Wow that was a close one”, James stood there breathing heavily. Dribble fell down out of know where onto James’s shoulder. “Oh gross” he said “what is that.” He looked up an saw the T-rex, “well this is just great” James said. The T-rex road as loud as it could, “this is going to be a disaster!!!!! James said.

The T-rex was heading for the city, James heard screaming everywhere and the T-rex was destroying everything in its way. James and Bandur had to get the dinosaur back through the portal, they didn’t have much time. As they ran to the city with a big piece of steak, James yelled to the T-rex “you over here come get the nice juicy steak.” The T-rex ran after them back to their house. He threw the steak into the portal the T-rex ran after it back through it before the portal closed. His mum woke, “did I miss anything” she said “no” and he ran away laughing. When James woke up in the morning Bandur was not in the study. He went to his mum and told her that Bandur was missing “Bandur, Bandur come here girl.” James said he looked in his yard, he heard Bandur yelling “Bandur where are you” he said. Bandur was badly inured. His mum and James took Bandur to the vet, “James it is best you stay in the car” she said “ok mum.” James’s mum was in the vet for a while, when she came out she was crying “what is wrong mum” he said. “Well Bandur is going to die” as soon as James heard those words tears ran down his face. When they got home James ran into his backyard and through the doorway in time he sat on a cliff and looked at the world of dinosaurs. James closed his eyes and remembered all those adventures he had with Bandur. As he walked back through the portal the door bell rang

At the door was the vet man with Bandur, “I thought you might want to have some time with Bandur before she gets put down” he said “yes we would love that” she said “what happened to Bandur” he said “she was attacked” she replied. James spent some time with Bandur the vet man said that it was time to put the dog down. “I’ll never forget you Bandur” James said and gave her a big hug. “James go to your room for a bit” she said “yes mum.” When James walked back down to the dog she was dead tears ran down his face. There made a hole for Bandur and put her in it, James put cards and toys in her grave and covered her up. James walked back through the portal and sat on the cliff, “I know you are always with me always.

The End

By Nick Cichero


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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