Sapphire Slug - Queen Of England


Once there lived a slimy, slithery slug named Sapphire. Her dream was to be Queen of England. She longed to own the beautiful sapphire studded silver crown the Queen wore on her head.

Sapphire slug thought it would be much better suited to her. The shimmering silver crown would go perfectly well with her shimmering silver body and the trail of silver that Sapphire left behind as she slithered through the gardens of the palace, where she also lived.

But Sapphire was but a mere slug, not the likely choice for the future Queen of England, and at six centimetres long not much of a threat to humans.

One warm evening while slithering across the floor of the garden shed she came across a rather large bottle filled with green liquid. She read the label – EXTRA FAST GROWTH FOOD was written in large letters. Sapphire managed to get help from an army of ants patrolling the shed. “Help me knock this bottle over”, she pleaded with them. They were happy to assist. Sapphire then slithered through the thick green sludge swallowing much of it. As she let out an enormous burp she found herself growing, and growing and growing. She grew so large that her tentacles hit the ceiling of the shed. She was so excited she was now ready to enter the palace and take the crown from the Queen.

Sapphire managed to make her way into the palace and into the Queens quarters. There she came face to face with her prize, the crown. Sapphire slug startled the Queen. “Pleased to meet you, your Majesty, “ said Sapphire in an enormous gurgling voice. With that the Queen fell immediately to the ground. Sapphire circled the Queen and hastily removed the crown. “It is mine, all mine,” she screamed as she placed the crown between her upper tentacles before slithering off leaving a trail of silver behind.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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