The Flight Of Uluru

Long ago in the dream time,
The tribes lived in peace and harmony… until the drought. The tribes where forced to abandon their traditional nomadic cycle for water holes and the sea side as land food began to die out. One tribe, the Hirongu was too proud to abandon their nomadic cycle and began attacking, killing and stealing from other tribes. Finally the tribes forced by the Hirongu to take and defend parts of the land. Rows of stakes ran along their territories to stop the Hirongu. Finally another tribe was forced off their land by the Hirongu for the land was close to the sea and a rainforest. The Hurumana took up spears against the Hirongu. For the first time a tribal war took place. The wise man Tarongu was a hater of violence was appalled with the blood shed.
“Stop this bloodshed before the Mother of all men decides to punish us for this blood shed O’ chief Haifa” pleaded Tarongu. “Yes, we will stop them, but reason has failed so we must use force. My warriors will crush them” said Haifa the chief of the Haines in a booming, commanding voice as if he expected to be agreed with immediately.
"No! No! No!" cried Tarongu but Haifa’s mind was made up.
Finding no other way to stop the blood she, Tarongu went to the desert where he pleaded, “O’ Mother of all men please save the tribes from death” and in a bright flash of light a golden form appeared and then spoke in a voice like warm honey.
She replied “Yesss III willlll hhhhhhhelllllppp yoooo,” suddenly her voice fixed into another sound but this time a booming voice.
“Thank you O’ mother” thanked Tarongu, soothed that the mother of all Men will help him.
“The leader of all tribes will be decided by the battle of the burning plains, the fighters are as the following, the burning plains are called that for the heat that is there. Clearing his throat he announced “The Haines, the Hirongu and finally the Hurumana” and cheering emitted from the crowds. He had done his part in the Mothers plain.
“LET US BEGIN THIS FIGHT!” shouted Chief Haifa and the tribe charged, but before a single man was hurt a giant boulder collided with great force. Tarongu shouted “Never raid or try to control the land or the other tribes, this rock’s name is Uluru which means the bane of blood letters” as he talked the rocks went red from the evil trapped inside it and from the blood they let touch the ground. The people out of fear for the evil trapped inside would escape so they guarded the rock and let none touch, for the fear of it moving and the tribes trapped within would escape and continue their ways of war.
That is why that the aboriginals do not like people climbing or visiting Uluru to this very day.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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