Majestic Club

Majestic Club

One magical day, six girls, each from different planets found a passageway leading to the same place…………
There was Felice, Melusine, Nessa, Latanya and Delfina. They went through the passageway that leaded to a Galaxy never seen before! There they met each other.

Soon after they became friends! Then Melusine asked her wonderful friends, “Where are we?” The girls looked around and then Felice realized, “We’re in a maze!” Suddenly the girls looked around and realized they really were in a maze! Then they saw a cloud change into a shape of a woman’s face! The face explained, “Hello! I’m Miss Farrella the principle of the school for fairies Kelran and I’ve made a maze for you, to see if you are good enough to be in my school!” The girls looked at each other, shocked! “Are we fairies?” asked Delfina. “Yes, of course you are! Now hurry up and get started with the maze!”

They worked mentally in the maze, going right and left, up and down but they still ended up in the same place! Then they all saw something amazing! It was Miss Farrella’s school, Kelran! The school was big, magical and PINK!

Miss Farrella was indeed waiting there and was very happy to see that the girls had made it to Kelran. “So does this mean we’re going to stay here at Kelran!” suggested Latanya. “Yes.” responded Miss Farrella. Then Melusine mentioned, “But what about our parents? Do they know we’re not going to see them until school holidays?” Miss Farrella responded, “Yes. I’ve sent a letter to all your parents and they’ve confirmed you can stay here!” So the school year began!

BEEP! BEEP! The alarm was going off. “It’s time to get up girls. We will be having breakfast in the hall and then I will be making an announcement. Meet me there!” declared Miss Farrella. The girls got dressed and headed down to the hall. Miss Farrella was on the stage giving her announcement. “Dear Kelran girls. I am pleased to say that the school will officially be open today!”
“Oh no…… I feel nervous going to a school filled with fairies!” Felice mentioned. “Don’t worry. We’ll be right next to you if you need us!” convinced Melusine. So they finished their classes and went to their dorms. They were so tired that they fell asleep right away!

On the next morning while the girls were at cooking class Nessa accidently forgot to check the oven and now the whole room was in SMOKE! Delfina hurried to the principle’s office and reported to Miss Farrella that there was a fire in the cooking room! So Miss Farrella rushed into the cooking room and used her magic to destroy the fire and the room went back to normal.

After classes the girls went to their dorms and sat on their beds. “I just thought of something. You know how we always work together to get something done. Well, I think we should make a friendship club!” Latanya explained. “We can call it MAJESTIC CLUB!” suggested Felice.

So now the five girls were known as the Majestic Club!

On the next day while Nessa was walking down the hallway, juggling a gypsy goo ball from hand to hand, she saw a shimmering light on the wall and lost control of it! Then she realized it was just the sunlight and saw the gypsy goo ball flying in the air towards Miss Gorson’s face. SPLAT! “NESSA! Why were you juggling a gypsy goo ball? It is band from Kelran since the incident that happened a few years ago!” shouted Miss Gorson.
So Nessa’s punishment was that she couldn’t go outside the school of Kelran for two weeks!

Meanwhile the rest of Majestic Club was out shopping for winter clothes. They each found something they liked and headed back to Kelran.

Tomorrow was the first day of school holidays and everyone was excited! The Majestic Club was going to go to the mountains to have some snowy fun, until Nessa realized she couldn’t go because of the incident with the gypsy goo ball. Nessa didn’t want to upset her friends so she said to the girls, “It’s okay. You guys can go without me.”

And the girls did go. They had great fun but it was still a little bit lonely without Nessa. After a few days Melusine suggested, to go back to Kelran and join Nessa. So they left the mountains in the morning and got back in the evening. When the girls opened the door they saw Nessa and Miss Farrella. The girls were surprised but sat down immediately, for something was wrong!

Through the discussion Miss Farrella explained three names the girls had never heard of before! The names were Isis, Dorinda and Solaris. Isis, Dorinda and Solaris were a group of witches and Isis was the leader. The girls were still confused. “Why are you telling us this?” asked Latanya. “Because they are after something at Kelran.” explained Miss Farrella. “But what?” asked Delfina. “I’m not sure, but it must be something powerful.” said Miss Farrella.

On the next morning, the girls had a field trip to the Pixie Village, but it wasn’t as easy as it looked! They had to do an obstacle course first, made by the teachers to start the mission. All of Majestic Club made it though and started the trip. They had to go into the woods first, then in the sky and walk the rest of the way, but the teachers also made some obstacles along the way like beasts and poisonous plants and much more! But the girls from Kelran could not use MAGIC along the way!

The trip was long and exhausting but everyone made it to Pixie Village. After that all the fairies had to find the pixie that bonded with them. Melusine, Felice, Delfina, Latanya and Nessa all found their bonding pixies and took them back to Kelran. This time on the trip back to Kelran they used portals! It was much quicker! When they got to their dorms they made a little house for their pixie! The girls from Majestic Club had a great year and were looking forward to next year!

The End!

By Tharidi Walimunige


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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