The End Of Tweety

Stuck inside a golden cage,
Is Grace the cat, trembling with rage.
Said Grace "Tweety, you're such a brat"
To hear the reply "You're a stupid cat".
Tweety laughed down at poor Grace,
Who had a murderous scowl on her face.
Grace pawed and scratched at the bars of the prison,
And Tweety started squawking in unison,
With the cat that was about to cry,
But the cat caught herself and supressed a sigh.
Said Tweety " Grace, you seem upset,
But you should be glad that you're my pet
And your captor isn't the ugly toad,
Or the big, mean dog across the road."
Grace growled" I would rather my captor be the toad,
Than you or the dog across the road,
Because the toad is kind and won't make me stay,
I wouldn't have to beg or pay."
They hushed a while and Tweety said
While Grace was looking very red
"Hush, what's that sound i hear?
Is it footsteps coming near?"
Their owner enters looking sage,
He opened the door to the golden cage,
With a glint in her eye,
Grace crept up to Tweety looking sly
" Oh Tweety, you've just been beaten,
And right now, you're getting eaten!"
In front of Tweety seems to loom,
The darkness of her terrible doom.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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