Party Time

as you know lots of people have birthday parties and they get lots of presents.well not for this younge girl in my class at school.

she dose not get to wake up to her mother giving her presents this year. she has to have her birthday while on school camp.

so I came up with the idea of having a mini party. it was meant be a surprise party but someone told her about it so its not a surprise anymore.

but I still think it is nice. to do that for a girl who has to wake up on her birthday and get no presents at all. people who are coming to the party

keep asking me if I am bring her a present but I say my present to her is this party. even if it's not good the thought still counts no matter how bad it is.

so this is probaly going to be the best camp she is going to have. esspecily because it is her last camp with us. because next year we go to high school.


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