Bali Holiday

Shellee and Gemma were best friends that were flying to Bali for the holidays. They took three hours to pack all of their things. Mum was stressing out heaps and saying, “Quick, quick!”
They got to the plane on time. They were in seat 25B and sitting next to another nine year old girl. Her name was Tina. She was their friend that they knew in Newman.
As the plane took off Shellee was reading a book called: Plane Crashes. She was reading the chapter: Newman to Bali crashes. It said that on 19/3/20 10 there will be a crash and it will land in the jungle. Shellee and Gemma paused and said, “It is the 19/3/2010 today, and we are going from Newman to Bali!”
It also said that it would happen at twelve o’clock. It had just turned twelve o’clock. The alarm just went off, ‘Nir, nir,nir,nir,nir’, and the pilot said, “Everybody fasten your seat belts and lean forward. We have run out of petrol and we are going to crash!”
Shellee tried to use her phone but it was too late. They almost were on land, but CRASH, BANG!!
Shellee and Gemma hopped out of the plane and ran off into the jungle.
Shellee thought for a minute. ‘Bring, bring’ her phone rang. Somer, her friend answered, “Help me,” and then she hung up.
Shellee said, “I guess she needs some help.”
Suddenly a gold snake came over with a compass in its skin and then pulled them to a cave. In the cave was a cage. In the cage was Somer. Shellee and Gemma opened the cage and Somer, Shellee and Gemma ran back to the plane. Shellee gathered all of the plane parts and re-made a three person pedal powered plane. Shellee, Somer and Gemma hopped in and up, up and away they went.
The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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