Day At Disneyland

It was a Sunny Saturday afternoon and I decided to take my girlfriend “Dune” and my younger brother “Eslop” for a great day out at Disneyland. “Get ready Julian”, said Eslop. So we packed our lunch and said goodbye to mum and hopped into the car to pick up Dune. “Dune, Ew”, said Eslop, “She’s old, has a face like a burnt pancake and smells like stale farts, exactly how old is she?” “56”, I answered, “But I love her dearly.” “Your only 15”, explained Eslop, “She is like my grandmother.
Finally After all the commotion we arrived at Dune’s place, picked her up from her dump of a unit and drove to Disneyland.
When we arrived at Disneyland, Eslop and I went and got the tickets, while Dune choked on a couple of durries. The line for the tickets was huge but we soon got on our way.
When we got in the gate, Eslop hurried to the super fast ferries wheel. “Yay”, shouted Eslop, “I love fast rides.” So Dune, Eslop and I dragged ourselves on the wheel. “Ready”, said the operator, “And go.” The ride started, I was mainly focusing on Eslop when suddenly I got a cup full of rotten eggy barf flung all over my body. “Yeuk”, I said to Dune, “Who was that!” I turned over and looked at the blue faced Dune with barf all over her body (Head, Shirt, Hair, and up her nose.) She needed a huge bath, she smelt like she’d been swimming in a sewer and she looked like a clogged up artery. I took her up to the front desk to get cleaned up. I was busy helping them and Eslop needed to go to the toilet. I let him go. “Be safe”, I said and he hurried off to the toilet. He trudged down and went into the ladies toilets by mistake and little did I know that he made a terrible encounter with a chubby Asian mammoth dressed in a goofy costume. “Goofy”, said Eslop and ran into her arms.
Big Momma Goofy grabbed out a bag and smuggled him into her “old ladies trolley” and wheeled him along. “Ting ling fang fong”, she said (“You’ll make a good companion for my drug smuggling company”)
Back at the office I had just finished fixing up Dune and realised Eslop had been gone for over 15 minutes. I know normal kids take a while to do a bog, but his bowels aren't made of steel, he’s four years old. “Dune, I'm going to check on Eslop”, I said and I left the office and headed for the toilets. There were markets, rides, movie characters and everything you needed but there was no time to waste. In the distance I heard a bellow from a kid coming from a stroller with a person in a goofy costume driving it. “Julian”, I said, and straight away I knew who it was...... ESLOP!!! The old bag in the goofy costume was trying to kidnap my Eslop. “You put him down”, I said ripping the goofy costume off this mysterious woman.
“Julian”, said Eslop, “This woman was trying to kidnap me!” “I’m so glad to see you”, I said,
“Security, This woman tried to kidnap my son!” And the security came and dealt with her.
“From now on I’ll never let you go!” I Said.
From then on Eslop always understood stranger danger we even put him in Karate lessons.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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