Salamanca Do Jarau

Salamanca do Jarau
Brazil was waiting, Tom and Zac were packed, their parents were waiting. It was the school trip of a lifetime, Jungle, creatures and heat. They hopped in the car and went to the airport. They arrived to find the school group waiting.
“Glad to see you guys came in time,” greeted Mr. Clive.
Mr. Clive always liked to joke around.
“Okay that’s everyone, let’s get on the plane and go,” said Mrs Claremont.

It was nine am in the morning, Tom had just woken up in a hut in Brazil. The other boys were still asleep. He decided to go for a walk, get to know the place a little more.
He walked outside to find a man being assaulted by two boys.
The boys stole his bag from him.
“Stop it!” Tom yelled out.
Tom raced towards the boys and jumped on the one who had the man’s bag.
They wrestled for the bag, Tom took it. The boys got up and looked at Tom. They said something in their language and ran off.
Tom walked to the man and gave him his bag back.
“Thank-you, here is something in appreciation,” the man handed Tom a claw shaped necklace. “Thank-you sir, but you can keep it,” Tom objected.
“Please, take it, it’s the least you can do for me,” the man placed it in Tom’s hands.
“Thank-you very much,” said Tom.
Tom went back up to the cabin.
Zac and Roman were sitting up talking, when Tom burst in.
“Where were you Tom?” asked Zac.
Tom told Zac and Roman what happened and how the man gave him the necklace.
At breakfast Mr. Clive pointed out a waterfall on the map.
“This is where we will be going today. It will take us a day to get there. We’ll stop when we reach the halfway point for a rest.”

The group was now two hours in the jungle when someone yelled snake!
There was a giant, threatening anaconda right in front of them.
Mrs. Claremont stepped back in fear.
“Everyone be quiet!” shouted Mr. Clive.
He picked up a rock and walked towards the anaconda. He threw it and hit the anaconda on the head. Paralysing it, they quickly walked pass.

They were at the first stop now.
Tom went for a walk when he stumbled upon a funny looking rock. It had a claw shape engraved in it. It looked familiar. He placed the necklace in the rock. At that instant a tremor occurred. Tom tried pulling the necklace out. It wouldn’t budge. He looked around. No one had felt the tremor. He knew it had happened.
Tom was chatting about the tremor on the way to the waterfall. When they got there they hopped into the cool water. Tom noticed an opening like a doorway. He went inside to find a sign saying Salamanca Do Jarau. Behind it was a heap of treasure!
Tom became very rich and decided to become an Archaeologist.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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