Man's Best Friend

Marcas Cross was an 11 year old boy who lived on a farm. He worked with his father day and night harvesting the wheat and caring for his dog Rover. Rover was a german shepperd, his thick brown fur almost reached the ground and his face glowed with happiness as he watched Marcas and his father work. Every morning Marcas would take Rover down to a nearby river, so that rover could get out of the house. But one day it all went wrong.

Marcas went out to where Rover slept but his bed was empty. He looked everywhere, the house, the yard and the barn but he was no where to be seen.
"Rover, Rover" he called but nothing answered him.

His heart was pounding as he walked slowly towards the bank of the river. Marcas looked over the edge of the bank and there sprawled amongst the mud and dead leaves was Rover. Marcas slipped on the muddy bank and fell toppling down into the murky water. At the sound of splashing water, Rover lifted his head and was just in time to see Marcas's head sink beneath the water.
Rover dived head first into the river and disappeared from site. Moments later he reemerged from the water his jaws clamped over Marcas's shirt.

Rover dragged Marcas up the bank and across the now mud strewend lawn towards the house. Rover's feet were muddy, his mouth was muddy but he didn't care, all he wanted to do was to reach the house and notify Marcas's father. He reached the house and gave several loud barks until some one came running. Marcas's dad opened the door and looked down at his son's body in horror. He dropped to the ground staring at the body now laying at his feet. A noise some were between a laugh and a sob escaped the fathers mouth as he saw his son's chest rise then fall. He straightened up and turned his head towards the now panting dog. He walked slowly towards Rover and patted him lighly on the head, then he said "you are truely man's best friend".

The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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