
The sea was dark and treacherous. The waves were high walls of water that crashed on distant rocks. The cruise ship seemed tiny in comparison to the sheer vastness of the ocean. It began to rain, to pour, the dark storm clouds let loose a violent torrent of wind and sleet. The people aboard the cruise ship Maria clung desperately to banisters, pipes, ropes, anything. Some clung only to the hope that they would survive the wretched torment.
The colossal waves crashed against Maria’s hull sending her terrified passengers flailing into the black abyss of the sea. Maria was overturned like a child’s paper boat and peals of thunder and lightning light up the scene. Mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, all grasped frantically at life rings. No one was spared the oceans rage. Time was ticking for the poor souls and Lady Luck was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, Maria’s stern cracked open, and the once glorious ship was sucked, screaming, into the fathoms below. It seemed all hope was lost for the brave fighters as the choked on seawater and gasped for air. Maybe there need not be a happy ending for all, because the fate of these people was surely sealed, - until.
“Toby!” a distant voice called, “Toby, that’s enough bath time now! Empty the tub!” and, just like that, the desperate scene was gone. Glumly, the seven year old and pulled the plug. He frowned as he listened to the strangled gurgle of the soapy bathwater draining down the endless pipes. Toby’s mother came in and tousled his wet hair and as she dried his body with a scratchy blue towel, she whispered to him the delights that awaited him at the kitchen table. As he pulled on his robe, Toby glanced briefly at the toy boat, now lying forgotten and forlorn in a trail of sudsy bath water. What had once been the majestic cruise ship Maria, the glorious ship that had once filled his dreams would have to wait until next time. Toby turned on his heel and left the bathroom to pursue new dreams of roast chicken and buttered peas.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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