The Eight Stones

There was once a old, hunted house deep in a jungle that no one had known about. It had the spirits of all of the old owners. A group of kids saw it. There were three kids. The first kid was a boy named Jacob, the second kid was named Curtis and the last kid was a young boy named Hayden.
The door was open they saw something in it. It was a shiny stone of all sorts of colours. They walked closer and when they picked it up they heard a voice say “Make a wish , make a wish” So they wished to know the fate of the universe. They saw it and it was an apocalypse, that will rip the world apart. They need to bring the seven beasts together in life or death.
So they did not know what to do so they got on their bikes and rode home, but a massive crack was in the way and then they heard the same voice say “You must do this alone” and they want to know what they have to do. The stone voice came again it said “You will find you answers in the house” They rode back to the house and they saw two weapons, an axe and a sword. Curtis took the axe and Hayden took the sword. There were only two weapons and Jacob did not get a weapon. A hologram popped out and said “It is your destiny to hold the eight stones. You already have the first, your journey must begin” But he did not understand.
So it said “You have the first stone and each stone will give you a new power. Currently you have you have the power to breath fire and each stone you collect you will gain a new power. You must start your destiny, the fate of the universe rests in your hands I will guide you on your journey”.
So they went to the first place the ice cave, and the first beast was an ice giant made of pure ice. His weapons are an ice shield and a ice club. Its heart was the stone. So they figured out a battle strategy to take out the ice giant. They first tried a different way by attacking one by one and they tried and tried by they were out matched. So they attacked from a different angel and the ice giant fell and with one final blow. They would finish him but he blocked it and he attacked Hayden. Hayden got injured, so Curtis jumped and with his axe he sliced right through the ice giants head. The ice giant melted and the stone fell and gave Jacob the power of acid.
to be continued...


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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