Mansion Mystery

The mansion was an old junkyard with cobwebs all over the place. "Wait" thought Biskit "What was that"? Faintly he could see a moving shadow in the top room, and then, as if by magic, it was gone.

Biskit was a three-legged dog, but he was not a normal dog. He was super-speedy and could do everything a human could do, except walk. He could even read. He was like a super dog.

As he tiptoed into the mansion he could see nothing but cobwebs. "Maybe it was just my imagination" wondered Biskit. But he spoke too soon.

From the corner of his eye he could see skeletons lying on the ground. He wandered over to them and knelt down to feel one of them. It didn't feel like the ones at the Body Museum where he got to feel a real bone, they were rough and hard but these were smooth and made out of metal. "Strange" thought Biskit.

As biskit visited room by room he noticed strange things. In the kitchen he smelt soup and found it in a bowl on a table. Because he was a very big dog he was able to climb onto the chair and taste some soup. "Yum that was good" said Biskit. In the Living Room there was a Apple IPAD 2, which were released a week ago, and in the library a brand new laptop was left on too.

Suddenly he fell into a trap under the floorboard and was unconscious for three hours. When he woke he was looking up at a very ugly man, who was so ugly that Biskit could not help but say "You're really ugly".

"Oh am I?" grinned the man. "Once I make this place a haunted house and set up more traps I will open it to the public and make money as well as make people like you my servants!" Biskit was so mad that he lunged at the man and savagely bit him, before running off. Biskit raced into the library where he noticed a book called 'HOW TO STOP ME AND MY EVIL PLANS' by THE EVIL ONE:ME. Biskit read the contents page until he found Haunted House project. Biskit flipped to the page and read:

To stop me you have to find out what the piece of equipment is you need to stop me with by the clues given. The password is Evil

I am in the living room

I am brand new

I am a second version

Once you have figured me out go onto ME and type in the password.

"It is the IPAD 2" exclaimed Biskit. He quickly ran to it and went onto ME like the book said. Once he had typed in the password he pressed enter and the screen came up with: Self-destruct all technology in 30 seconds. Biskit ran out of the mansion.

The country was safe again, thanks to Biskit.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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