That's My Chook

Sebastian Chooksworthy lived on chicken farm with his mum, dad and older brother, Sam. At twelve years of age, Seb was just a small boy with scruffy brown hair, thin legs and skinned knees. Around the farm he wore a battered old straw hat, holey jeans and bright coloured checked shirts.

Seb’s best friend was a plump, black and white speckled hen called Henrietta. She was different to other chooks. She was clever, fantastically whacko and she loved only Seb. If anyone tried to touch him, she would cluck like an emergency siren, flap her wings wildly and peck their feet until they bled.

Early one cold morning, Seb was awoken by the sound of his dad loading chickens into crates to send them off to the abattoir. Seb liked to watch his dad run around like a chook chasing the ones that had got loose. This morning though, as he was watching his dad flutter around, he spotted Henrietta scampering up the truck ramp.

“NO HENRIETTA,” he screamed. Seb took off to rescue her. But it was too late. By the time he got there the truck was heading out the gate. Without hesitation, Seb raced over to his dad’s ute. He couldn’t find the keys, so he hotwired it and sped off after the truck. When he arrived at the abattoir he couldn’t see Henrietta anywhere. He climbed a tall flight of stairs and looked out over the abattoir floor. He spotted Henrietta about to have her head chopped off by a chook killing madman!

Quick as lightning, Seb grabbed a rope hanging from a hook attached to the ceiling. Without fear, he climbed onto the staircase rail, grabbed the rope and swung towards Henrietta.

“That’s my chook,” he cried as he whirled towards them, and with one fowl swoop, he grabbed Henrietta and tucked her under his arm. He swung back to the rail, let go of the rope and ran down the stairs. He plonked Henrietta on the seat of the ute and drove her safely home. Now, whenever Henrietta sees an axe, she runs around like a mad chook without a head.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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