Lies And Deception (Excerpt)

Sleeping has been hard these days, I don’t know whether it's because on some level I am still afraid of not waking up again or maybe it’s the noise. It's always so noisy at night, the clock ticking, the cars outside, dogs barking. That’s why I woke up so easily, although it's noisy I still manage to tune all that out. But tonight I hear something out of the ordinary and I am instantly alert. I was laying there in my limbo that I have now accepted as sleep, and I hear the almost inaudible squeak of the opening of the down stairs window.
Breathing heavily, I creep down the dark hallway, the only light coming in through the windows from the moon, watching as my shadow winks in and out. I notice in my mildly blind panic that the street light is out, broken. I feel the floorboards under my feet, each step colder than the last, my mind screaming at me to run, but my body moving onward. I guess curiosity really is what killed the cat.
I reach the end of the hallway (staircase), I crouch down so as not to be seen and cautiously peer around the corner. Luckily my eyes are adjusted to the dark and see them, and I see five silhouettes standing in front of the now open window. I manoeuvre myself carefully around the corner staying in the shadows, again feeling that strange sense of familiarity. But they spot me, the light comes on and I am struck instantly by the blinding light. Then it's off again, with spots still blurring my vision I can’t see a thing in the newly darkened room. As I begin to panic, instinct takes over and I stop, I stop thinking, I stop moving and I almost stop breathing completely. I stop trying to see. It was in that moment that a realisation swept over me, I can hear them, feel where they are. No more than that, I know where they are. Two of them begin to approach me, one on either side. I can hear their breathing, short and sharp, each step carefully measured. I wait until I they are so close that I can hear their heartbeat, then with swift precise movements, I attack. All I remember is the feel of the wind as I moved, the sound of it as it whistled past my leg, then the contact, a direct hit in the guys stomach. I grab him quickly as he doubles over and throw him into the other guy. I hear him gasp, but I am already across the room. My hand makes contact with a women’s jaw, I spin quickly in the air and hear a satisfying crunch as I make contact with his nose. I land on the ground trying to gather my thoughts, and in that moment of hesitation the two left, I can tell they’re women by the way they move, strike. As the pain floods through my shoulder I feel another blow to the back of my knee cap. I’m down. Game over.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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