
A lone figure stalked past a pedestrian crossing unnoticed.The fugitive glanced around him, making sure that no one had spied him.He desperately need to do it himself,without drawing any attention. Meanwhile, Evelyn watched the figure from the window.She frowned, she hadn't been expecting this at all.The girl observed him, even though she can't see the person's face properly,he looked familiar.She signed, her brother Matt had been missing for thirteen days already. She assumed he was kidnapped by a burglar and hold for ransom.Tears came down her face silently,this figure probably have him.Evelyn felt threatened by the figure's presence,he didn't look safe to her.Perhaps the bag he was holding have Matt inside.She was right, but she doesn't know that.

The figure turned down to a dark alley,unaware that he was been watched.The boy that he have was the hypnotised Matt, he had already given orders to Matt.'Good on you,David!'He thought.When the man reached his destiny, he immediately dumped out the boy.Matt gratefully ran off to his house,feeling very clear that HE should hit his sister.He don't know why, but he know that he have changed.

David received his pay and walked off happily.Too bad that the feeling wasn't going to last!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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