One Thought

This is the end of the world.
Or is it the beginning?
In the darkest corner of earth a secret lies,
the truth, to be hidden forever.
Who will seek it?
No one of course,
but what if there is one,
who is cursed or blessed.
(Whichever way you see it)
Born and chosen; only one in each earth’s life span,
will that person lead us or be ignorant?
In every life created, earth is destroyed, reborn again and repeated.
Will anyone have the will to find it?
The darkness.
We will all die anyway, forgotten, ‘cause the ones who remember will die afterwards’.
Is there a point to living?
Not looking for the answer will cause history to repeat itself,
and again…
and again…

We don’t know anything
but we have our questions answered,
just the truth concealed.
Before everything we know now was created,
there was nothing.
But, how can there be nothing?
Nothing could be just blackness, nothing else.
But that’s something.
Nothing is something.
So how was anything created because if we were created by something where did that something come from?
It must have been created by another something as well.
So there is no beginning,
it just kills not to know.

In every silent moment, I think-
anyone would-
But I think of questions of how Earth was created.
What was before nothing?
I think of death; how much I don’t want to die.
Some choose to live on and ignore that thought,
‘Cause after you die you won’t be anything, you won’t have a thought,
only that nothingness from which we were somehow created.
We will be a faded memory.
Dead is the end.
No more existing.

People say before the ‘Big Bang’,
There were dimensions,
and a
They came together for time to be created.
But where did those dimensions come from?

I am sure that there was another Earth before our Earth and living things.
And there will be another Earth after we are all gone.
There are other living things out there that we just don’t know about.
We could be tiny bacteria to someone else’s world.
There are other living things out there and we are all part of one big secret.
Kept locked.
No one will ever discover it.

[the title says it all, this is just one thought]


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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