Making New Friends

He was a person of great determination. One that stood out in the crowd. He had troubles at home, school and outside of school. He always fell to pieces. I always wanted to help him. I wanted to be there for him and guide him through his troubles. But I was always too scared to approach him. He didn’t believe in himself. A wise person once told me that if you want people to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself. I have always enjoyed listening to people and helping them. That’s what I like to do. But I couldn’t quite make out what was troubling him so much. Until the day that we spoke. People didn’t see the true side of him. He was kind, gentle, fun to be around and listened to what you had to say. He was there for his friends. If people get to know the real you, then they won’t be judging you. He was a kind hearted person, but nobody saw that. In school, people judge others on their appearance and not what’s inside them. He had a heart of joy and courage. He just has to believe in himself.
The look in his eyes he gives you when you look at him. The kind, warm gentle smile he gives when you walk past him. He was a great person to discuss issues with. I have to admit, I used to judge him. But when I got to actually know the real him, I was surprised. He is one of a kind. Ever since we started talking he would always ask me if something is wrong. He would always make sure I was okay. Every lunch and recess break he would always make sure I was okay. He would always make sure that I was safe.
‘Are you okay Sarah?’
‘I’m fine thanks,’ I would say.
‘Positively sure.’

“Do you like being around him? Do you like helping him with his issues?” my friend once told me.
I would always reply with “Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to have someone there to take care of them. Yes I do like being around him because he makes me feel welcome. He is a true friend.”
We would always tend to have fights and disagree with each other. But we would always forgive each other. If he was feeling down, I would send him a smiling picture to cheer him up. I always knew when he was feeling depressed because his sentences were short and non-interesting. We talked all night, every night. Just so we knew we had each other. But I guess that’s what friends are for really.
I still remember when he said that he was a mistake and that he doesn’t deserve to live. Saying that to your best friend breaks their heart. I panicked. Every time he said he was going to go for a walk and that he hoped he would get hit by a truck really hurt me. I wanted to stop him. But I didn’t know how to.
“He wants to kill himself. He doesn’t want to be around anymore. He doesn’t know what life really is. He needs to believe in order to succeed.” I tell my friend.
“I thought he loved you?” my friend would reply.
“He loves me, but he wants to get away from all this misery.” I would say.
We had a massive fight one night and it tore us apart. It was upsetting to both of us, knowing we just lost a best friend. I got depressed and I wasn’t happy anymore. People started talking about us and made nasty rumours. It made me realise how nasty people can really be. At school that day I was insecure and not motivated. I wasn’t motivated to go to school anymore because he was my inspiration to get out of bed. I got to school and my friend noticed I wasn’t the same. She noticed I lacked sleep and that I was always tired and lazy.
“What’s wrong beautiful?” she would ask.
“I sit in a corner of my room in the dark. I sit there thinking. I am left alone with my thoughts. We had a fight and we have been broken apart. I have lost a dear friend to me. I don’t know if we can ever forgive each other. I tried so hard to help him, but it just wasn’t enough. We have lost each other.” I would reply.
At school that day all the favourite memories I had with him were all coming back to me. How we always used to be there for each other. How we always loved going to school just to see each other. His smile brightened up my day. Now it’s like I’ve been dragged into a black hole and there is no way out. A part of me is missing. The only way to get that piece back is to get my best friend back. I was always a happy and cheerful person. But now, not so much. I have tried so hard to be happy once again, but it feels wrong to be happy without my friend beside me. Now we never speak to each other. We don’t even make eye contact. It’s depressing. When we walk past each other, we never look at one another. It’s like we can’t stand each other.
“You have to cheer up. You have to live your life again. You have to be happy again. Be cheerful and worry about those who stick by you. Not those who walk away from you and take you for granted.” My parents would say.
The Earth is so gloomy and dark. Losing your best friend is like losing your family. Without them, you don’t know what to do. It was hard to concentrate at school and at home. My parents saw that I had changed.
“Sweetie, you’re not as blonde as you used to be. You’re not as talkative as you used to be. What has happened to you?”
I could always tell my parents about anything. I have told them everything since I was little. But this situation I didn’t know how to tell them and I didn’t know what to say. I was having mixed emotions.
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just tired today. That’s all.” I would always reply.
But deep down inside of me, there was something wrong. I was falling to pieces. I had to apologise. I couldn’t take it anymore. It was getting to out of hand. I was falling into the unknown. The day that I apologized was the day I turned happy. I got my best friend back. My craziness came back and I could concentrate more. Yes we still have our up and downs and our fights but you always fight with your friends. All I could do was give him a great big hug and never let him go. I needed him by my side. I needed to know that he would be there for me like a true friend.
Friends are for life. Never take them for granted. Always keep them by your side. And most of all, always keep them in your heart.
This story is dedicated to my best friend, whom I got back and who I will cherish forever. I love you.
Written by Kimmy Edwards 2012


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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