That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles

"Get here now!" yelled mum to the kids at 12:00pm on Friday the thirteenth. Mum had long brown hair that was always pulled back into a severe bun. So the children came running."Yes mum," asked all four children rushing into the lounge room where mum was standing at pointing at the cookie jar. Mum said,"No one touches this last cookie. it's off limits." "Oh," replied the children together. "Now go off and play," said mum. When all the kids were outside Hannah,a four year old blondie,came in. Hannah looked at the cookie jar. "Hmm better not," she said and she kept on playing.

At 5:00pm they all came inside for dinner and mum screamed, "Ahh! Who took the cookie?" "We didn't touch the cookie mum," said the kids with fear. "You,"said mum as she pointed at Hannah, "I saw you come in before." "I didn't mum,truly," cried Hannah. "I want to know,who took the cookie?" said mum.

Off went mum and Hannah looking for clues. They looked up,down and all around. They looked in cupboards and under tables,they even tried looking for fingerprints on the jar . Suddenly Hannah yelled, "Look a print,but it's a paw print." Everyone stared at their dog Flash who had crumbs all over his nose.

"Flash! We are very mad at you," said mum. "Woof! Woof!" went Flash as they locked him in the garage as punishment for stealing the cookie. Mum always keeps the cookies on top of the freezer now. As for Flash well.....THAT'S THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLES!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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