Night Of Mystery

On an immensely cold night where I had to go out and collect wood for the fireplace, I unknowing felt a strange shiver down my spine. Suddenly, I heard a mysterious and eerie noise behind me. I began to observe the path behind me and witnessed a colossal shadow. I commenced to follow this mysterious and eerie shadow. So I followed it all the way to the haunted house. The mysterious shadow stopped and went inside, just looking at it made me shudder with dread. I had to know what was observing me, so I took a deep breath and went inside the haunted house.

As I settled in, I could not see a thing, it was swarthy, ancient, spine chilling and it even had spider webs with insects stuck to it. As I walked through the corridor, I heard the same mysterious and eerie noises I heard in the woods. I was very curious and wanted to know what it was, so I went inside. I saw ghosts and vampires in the room. I then screeched from the top of my lungs. I ran desperately for my life, terribly shaken with fear, gasping for air and not knowing which direction to head in. I turned right but ended up in a dead end.

After I caught my breath, I still was curious to know exactly what was threatening me. So I grabbed my special wand which had sentimental value because my aunty gave it to me on my seventh birthday. She said that she got it because I completed my one hundred lessons in Wizard Camp and I turned into a full wizard. I knew it would not let me down in the worst of cases. I slowly crept inside grasping my wand between my two palms. I tried so hard not to drop it as my entire body shook profusely from great fear. I reached an iron door which surprisingly slid open as I stepped forward. My heart trembled with fear and I held my wand close up to my chest. As I walked in I heard an unknown, shaky voice, so I gazed to the left then to the right and then I saw an enormous figure dressed in black from head to toe. It then asked me, "Who are you?" I then mumbled, “E-m-i-l-y.” As soon as I uttered my name, a flash like a flash of lightning nearly blinded me. I thought this was going to be the end of my life. When all of a sudden, the figure slowly revealed its face and a familiar white beard which glistened as I looked upon it. I knew exactly who it was before it uncovered its entire face. I found out that he was the lonely, old man who lived across the street that was known as the 'KIDNAPPER.' I asked him if he was the one who chased me earlier in the woods. His reply was, “I think that will remain as a mystery, mwahahaha," he thundered and put his cloak in front of his face and disappeared into the dark, cold, misty night. Deep down in the bottom of my heart I thought it was the lonely, old man across the street all along. That just made me be even more curious and I wanted to find out more of what happened just now. I forgot that I needed to collect wood for the fireplace so I went to get the wood and gathered them together. When I arrived home with the wood I saw the lonely, old man who lived across the street inside the living room.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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