Undercover Operation

The eerie darkness cascaded over the large hill, the only source of light was the dimly lit full moon that didn't really seem like a very good light source. Nothing about this place seemed warm and homely. The icy breeze caused the large, branch-less tree to sway vigorously in the night sky. I looked over at my best friend, Aubrey who looked terrified, her auburn red hair now looked like a dark shade of black and her bottom lip was now quivering, hinting that she was very scared about this place.

“Miranda, if someone finds us here they're gunna kill us,” Aubrey whispered, in the lowest voice she could manage. I glared at her from the corner of my eye.

“Shh. If you don't shut your mouth we will get killed,” I said, a little too harshly. We were laying near one of the most popular drug trading places in the city, and seeing as Aubrey and I had to do a pretty good story for the school newspaper to get a little higher up and finally become editors we – meaning I, figured that this would be pretty good to get us higher up the ladder. Aubrey wasn't and still isn't keen on the idea but frankly I need that editor job.

Another large gust of wind blew, the tree swaying ferociously in the wind. I nestled my neck into the warm, maroon scarf I was wearing. I looked closely at the dimly lit tree and began to rest my head against the dead grass. Aubrey had rested her head in between her arms, mumbling words probably going along the lines of,

'Why would she bring me here,' and 'Stupid newspaper. Gunna get us killed'.


Finally after what seemed like hours (in reality it was probably 20 minutes) a large Jeep and a slightly smaller Holden pulled up under the tree. I looked over at Aubrey who's eyes were now stuck on the two cars. Three men emerged from the Jeep while one came from the Holden. From what I could see the three men had a silver gun planted into their belt and the other man was weapon free.

“Where's the money Joe,” the man who stood in the middle snapped. He stepped closer to the man, who I presumed was Joe. The man was now easier to see, his hair was a dark brown colour and he wore a black hoodie and baggy jeans. Aubrey's eyes widened and her mouth dropped to the floor.

“Thomas?” she whispered as she choked quietly on tears. My eyes widened noticing the boy with the gun, Aubrey's older brother. Thomas.



Write4Fun.net was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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