Nature's Eyes

Dew speckled grass glimmers as the morning sun peaks over the distant blue hilltops. The tall, blooming wheat stems sway softly in the light breeze. Yellow daises are scattered between the tangled weed, fighting their way towards the sunlight. Everything is silent and peaceful in the early morning. Ants crawl up and down the tree trunks, always seem to be hurrying so some unknown destination. The sun’s rays are starting to peep over the mountains its golden light touching only a few places. The birds are awakened and the silent atmosphere is suddenly broken with the chirping of baby chicks and the calling of other birds to their mates. The old, wise gum trees are whispering in the breeze, unchanging but watching their surroundings complete metamorphism. Their sparkling leaves reflect a silver appearance in the morning light. Kangaroos nibble on the short summer grass enjoying the warmth of the suns first rays on their backs. The gleaming river ripples as a mother duck and her duckling paddle across its peaceful surface. The crickets are chirping, natures warning for the warm day to come. The ground is hard from age and still cold from the night’s frosty bite. The river flows silently meandering its way down the mountain side, glistening like silver. Scattered wattle trees colour the open field with a golden yellow appearance. The sun has slowly risen and its presence signifies the starting of another beautiful day which God has granted us.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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