Never Trust Magic Sorcerers

“Ding dong!”

Annabelle and Samuel ran down stairs to see who was at the door but when they opened the door nobody was there. Samuel spotted a letter and read it aloud.

It read:

Dear Young Ones,
I invited you and a friend to my prestigious “School Of Magic” and you will find yourself in a joyful land of magic. It is at 123 Twinkle Lane, Sparkleville. You will see a sign carved with the words “School Of Magic.”

Please come,

Samuel knew where Sparkleville was but wondered who would invite them to such a school.

Annabelle was a young and very cheeky girl with round blue eyes and long brown hair. She loved adventures and was excited to go to Sprakleville.

Samuel was a very intelligent boy. As a thirteen year old, the oldest of the siblings, he somehow felt like the school was an unsafe place and was not sure if they should go.

Annabelle begged Samuel to go, so they did. They took a train to the school that was mystical. The siblings arrived at the ‘School Of Magic’ and bought two wands for each of them. They tried a spell that was in a book and said together, “Grim, glum, glorious, glum,” pointing to the ground that slowly turned a dark, navy shade of blue.

At the front gate, they met a Sorcerer waiting there and collecting peoples’ tickets. He guided them into a laboratory, telling them to sit on a bench and told them to wait for him because he needed to get his spell book. The Sorcerer left and locked the door. The laboratory all of a sudden became hot and stuffy. Annabelle and Samuel became worried, and tried to get out. Samuel then realised the Sorcerer had tricked them because the door wouldn’t budge.

They felt hopeless, but then Annabelle found a book with spells in a dusty corner of the room. After a couple of moments, the siblings found a useful spell that would open doors just like a key. They tried and tried but it did not work.

Samuel grew impatient and threw the book onto the hard floor. The book opened to a new page and said that for the spell to work, two people must work together. When they said, “Work, well, open, well,” together, the door sprang open. They were amazed in awe.

They quickly dashed out of the laboratory and ran as fast as they could and didn’t stop until they reached the train station. Huffing and puffing, Annabelle and Samuel thought of the same thing, “Never trust a magic Sorcerer.”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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