The Crash

Excellence Award in the 'Dream Big 2013' competition

No one ever said driving a bus for kids would take such a lot of energy. When I signed up for it I thought it would be like driving a car. Oh boy how wrong I was! It's not that the controls are that hard, its the kids! They're so loud. Noisy as a gorilla playing with a tiger. They are always terrorising my bus. Any way you would not believe what happened I will start at the beginning...
Well I mean, I can't exactly blame them, I never liked my bus driver. He was such a grouch and he was old and he yelled at us something awful. He had a voice that was colder than ice. He had hawk like eyes that darted everywhere, they were like stone. He never, ever, ever smiled except when we were in trouble. But that isn’t the same is it?
As I grew up, I wanted to become a bus driver. I never stopped to think that my bus driver was cranky because of us kids. As I went through my training I always had either fake passengers or I had someone who was there to guide me. But not for the life of me could I think of how noisy and boisterous kids could be. Any way, on with the story.
As I drove for the kids, the more I drove the more I grew wrinkles. Its all that oh what’s her name Amander's fault.
Anyway one day I was driving and on the (right) side of the road and this other car, a bright green Toyota truck on the WRONG side of the road. I slowed down but the truck didn't - it was definitely speeding! As we got nearer and nearer to the car I was starting to panic a bit. The truck was getting closer now when all of a sudden..! BAM! We collided with such force that we were sent tumbling down a nearby cliff.
We were rolling for what seemed like hours to me. When our fall was finally broken by a tree. By then all the kids were screaming. I checked my self out to see if there were any broken bones. Thankfully there were only a few cuts and grazes. Unfortunately I cant say that for little Tommy. The poor little chap broke his arm.
All the kids raced to their friends or out the door. Most of the kids were crying like little pork chops. That's when my instincts started to kick in. I started to smell! And I know what happens when oil meets a hot engine. FIRE! I raced up the mountain but I heard a voice calling for help. I knew that voice. Nuts it is Amander. I raced down the mountain I was tempted to leave her but they would have my head if I didn't go back down. I went down the mountain into the burning bus. The smoke was so thick. I could hear nothing but the weak girl pleaing for me to help her.
Her leg was stuck in a chair that had collapsed. I heaved and heaved until it was finally free. The door was trapped with fire. I was stuck, but Amander was already climbing out the fire escape window. When we were safe Amander looked up at me and said everyone is good at something and I was good at looking after kids. Even if it did make me seem like a big meanie.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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