
Excellence Award in the 'Dream Big 2013' competition

I was bullied at school. Every day felt bad walking to school knowing people would push me and ask me what I had for lunch then steal it. Most days I came home with them following me saying insults like “You’re dumb” “You’re ugly” “You’re Fat”. But I knew I wasn’t any of them. My parents didn’t know what was going on and I didn’t want to get them involved. That would make me a dibber dobber. So each day I let them mock me and shout out insults.
Then, one day my mother was waiting for me outside with the police. I looked scared. I hadn’t done anything wrong and neither my parents. The police looked at me. But with worry not anger. I shook their hands and asked them what was wrong. They replied “You know, we saw you today, you were being bullied. As a policeman it is our duty to keep everyone safe and happy.” “ Sir, you don’t need to worry. I’m fine, I ignore them.” I said looking at the ground. “They stole your lunch! How could you ignore that?” My mums jaw fell open. Obviously the police had not told my mum much yet. She walked right up to me and hugged me, I pushed her away. It was too embarrassing. The policeman looked at me seriously. “Do you know their names?” I sighed and nodded “Can you please tell me. We need to speak to them.” “ But then I’ll be a dibber dobber. And……and they would bully me more.” “No, we would talk to their parents and their parents will deal with them. If the bullying doesn’t stop they’ll be spending some time at the station.” My jaw dropped this time. I was so surprised that they would be at the station if they bullied me again. I told them their names then they left to go to their houses.
That night at dinner was silent. All you could hear was the knives and forks clinging on the plate. Finally my mum asked me how my day at school was. I looked at her with that look that says “are you seriously asking me that question.” Then she nodded. Then asked me why I had not said anything about me being bullied. I didn’t respond, she was already too much involved. My dad was very confused he had not been there to see the policeman. I finished eating then left. I brushed my teeth changed into my pyjamas then went to bed.
The next day at assembly I spoke my opinion about being bullied and how horrible it is. AT the end everyone cheered and clapped as I exited the stage. After that no one stared at me or avoided me. I had friends again, and their names were Mini, Hannah, Kate, Lucy, Adele, Cassie and April. We all got along nicely and we all lived close by each other so each weekend we would visit each other. And I wasn’t being bullied.
The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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