
‘’Help!’’ That is what I scream when I wake up from my sleep. I have had nightmares ever since I lost my parents. They have been about Dad and mum getting taken , by the government. They are shouting my name over and over again every night. All I hear is Georgie, Georgie, Georgie. This has been going on for ten years.It started when I was six.I live at the Shadyville orphanage. Home is what I think of it .Even though I get a poor education and not a normal life. I still have normal friends and a beautiful, cozy home. I’m
independent but still get provided the normal necessities for life. I always hope for a new home but I will love my home forever

The next day I wake up and brush my teeth, only just realizing I didn’t wake up in the night. I feel so much better until the mother of the orphanage says ‘’Georgie say hello to your new parents Sabrina and Nick’’. In that very moment I was having a bittersweet moment. The mother Silinabalasky says, ‘’ Pack your bag’’. I pack everything and say my goodbyes. ‘’Gelia have fun. Beanga be safe’’. Then I whisper into Baliga-saman’s ear, ‘’ Take care of everyone for me.’’
I love my new home. It has a big yard a dog called Yawp and a great house. After a few days I’m bored. So I play with the dog. I feed it some food but my younger step sister purposely poisoned the food. Because Yawp bit the head off her Barbie doll. I didn’t notice this until the next day. The parents saw this and then told me. They started blaming and hitting me. I go to my room and start packing. I say to sister Hazel , ‘’Cover for me.’’ She said ‘’Wait, where are you going?’’ I told her the orphanage. I, will come visit.

I run ten miles on hot ground to get back to the orphanage. I tell Silinabalasky that the parents hit me. She said that the police will be on it soon. After a couple of months Sabrina and Nick were arrested and Hazel ended up with me and Yawp. We all had a great life altogether, again


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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