That's One Weird Farm

“NO, this can’t be happening!” screamed, Jake the cow.
He was afraid that Sam the chick would beat him up because it was Boxing Day. Jake hid all night, under his bed. Early next morning, as Collin the rooster woke up the whole farm, Jake was still under his bed. He stretched his weary body but discovered the mat had a squishy lump. He flipped it over and found a banana skin.
“Gross” shouted Jake and kicked it outside.
As he kicked it, he noticed mail in the letter box.
The mail announced:
Jake, come to the barn!
from your friend, Sam.
Jake shivered as he looked up and saw Sam waving to him. He was scared.
Sam yelled, “Come join the party”!
“Why are you dancing?” asked Jake
“Duh, it’s Boxing Day, we celebrate. We don’t stand around like a flock of sheep.”
“Ok”, muttered Jake.
So they danced and sang.
Meanwhile, Mr. Fox sneaked into their houses and robbed all their jewellery and money. Moments later he drove to his lab.
It had a sign saying ‘MR Fox’s lab’.
When all the animals arrived back to their houses after the party, they were shocked to find almost everything was gone. Collin was immediately suspicious of Mr. Fox.
“We will get revenge for what the farm animal’s own.” yelled Collin
“Wait” shouted Percy the sheep. We need to think, not get revenge. So let’s plan an attack to win our stuff back.”
“Ok”, said Collin. “First, we need a trap, but where to find it?”
With Collin on his side, Percy said “how about we ask the trapper”?
“But it is only an old granny pig.” chuckled Collin
“Oh, but a wise old granny pig” said Percy
“I hope we won’t regret this” said Collin.
Meanwhile, Mr. fox was in his lab “All I need is a banana skin”.
Mr. Fox slyly crept up to Jake’s house to steel the banana skin. Little did he know that Percy, Collin and the trapper were ready. As Mr. Fox neared the house, he smelt something familiar. He licked his lips. He sprang for the bush. He landed with a thud. There was nothing there expect for a trail of wool. The plan had worked.
Mr. Fox followed the wooly trail until he stumbled on a note.
The note said:
We have got the banana skin and the money you stole, and you are stuck in a……..
The rest of the note was smudged. Near the smudge he saw some brown blobs appearing. He looked up to see and smell sheep and dog droppings raining on him. Soon all you could see were Mr. Fox’s two ears sticking out of the pile.
“Score” said Collin the rooster.
All the animals left Mr. Fox in the droppings trap and hurried back to the party. They gave the animals their money back and everyone danced with joy.
The end


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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