Once upon a time there was a 9 year old girl named Elizabeth Carlin, she lived in a pub.
Elizabeth had lots of teddies but her favourite was Lamb Lamb. Elizabeth had Lamb Lamb since she was a baby.

Elizabeth loves Lamb Lamb. She dresses her up and plays games with her.
One day Elizabeth went to school camp for 3 days and forgot Lamb Lamb, so Lamb Lamb decided to have some fun.
Lamb Lamb got her friends Mr D, Pandy and Liah. Elizabeth didn’t have any brothers or sisters and Elizabeth’s Mum and Dad where down stairs working. Mr D said that he couldn’t play; he was going to the teddy fire place because his friends were there. (If you’re wondering the fire place doesn’t get lit). Pandy and Liah were going with him, so Lamb Lamb was left all alone. Lamb Lamb decided to explore down stairs. Late that night, Lamb Lamb packed her bags for her big adventure. The next morning Lamb Lamb set off. It took her nearly 2 days to get down stairs.
The pub was open and Lamb Lamb decided to go to the kitchen. When she got there she met a new friend, his name was Clowny Wowny.
Clowny Wouny sat on the kitchen bench; Lamb Lamb loved clowns. Clowny Wowny told Lamb Lamb some stories.
It got late, Lamb Lamb set off again to explore the bar but Lamb Lamb didn’t know that Elizabeth had just got home and she was in the bar. Lamb Lamb jumped off the bar and then landed at Elizabeth’s feet Elizabeth picked her up and asked her Mum and Dad how she got down stairs then she took her up stairs and tucked her into bed Lamb Lamb was so happy to be up stairs. From then on Lamb Lamb knew what was downstairs.
By Elizabeth Carlin Age 9 Tooborac Primary School.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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