
I woke up, super tired because it was school camp day. I got up really slowly because it was too early like 6:00 or something like that. Eventually I got out of bed got out of bed and got dressed then had breakfast and went to school.

When I got to school I saw my friend Tim everybody calls Tim little Timmy. Timmy called “Hey Little Jonny,” (That’s me). We put our bags on the bus and set off for a long journey for Camp Squidwid. On the bus Timmy asked me “Do you know what the camp is like?
I replied “I got a note when you were sick one day and it said there were rope courses and all that sort of stuff.” Then the bus driver put a movie on, I watched about 5minutes of it then started to fall asleep. When Timmy woke me up we were at Camp Squidwid. When everybody got out of the bus we got our bag and went to our room. The room we had was ok it looked like it needed a clean, we put our bags down and went to the meeting area.

Timmy and I were in the same group, I yelled “WE’RE IN THE SAME GROUP!” The first activity we did was bush walk was to a waterfall. While we were walking I smelt smoke, so I told our guide and he yelled “Everybody get back to camp NOW!” Everyone rushed back to camp and to the emergency assembly point. The teachers counted everyone and we were all there. It was a bush fire a boiling burning bullying fire. By the minute the fire got closer and closer every minute. When the fire got closer it got hotter and hotter until it was metres away from me. It was so hot it felt like I was going to melt, so I decided to move back. Everybody huddled together in the middle of the fire it was super scary.

Everyone got hoses and started to spray the fire. It was getting closer and closer, and hotter and hotter. It was no use the fire just kept coming we couldn’t put it out, but everyone just kept trying until we heard a helicopter above us it had a huge water bucket it dropped so much water it put out most of the water around us, it gave the helicopter enough time to put down a ladder to pick us up I climbed up first I did it as fast as I could. Once I was in the helicopter I helped everybody else climb in too, and went to the hospital because some people were burnt. When I got out of the helicopter my Mum and Dad were there. The herd about the fire on the news. I didn’t have any burns so I could go home YAY!!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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