The Adventurers

There was two girls named Jasmine and Bryanah, Jas was older than Bryanah. Jas was 8 years old and Bryanah was 5 years old they were best friends. One night Bryanah and Jasmine snuck out of bed and went in to a cave that leads to the jungle and the poisonous waterfall. Bryanah knew this was dangerous, but Jas whispered to Bryanah. “This is going to be ok as long as we stick together were going to be just fine”. So they went on. Bryanah caught some fire flies and put them in a jar, and went in to the cave. “It’s really, really, dark in this cave and it’s hot too”, whispered Jas. “I see light “, Bryanah screamed. They ran out of the cave, and ran in to the jungle they kicked through the bushes and slid past the trees. They jumped over rocks and swang on vines. They got to the poisonous waterfall, “put rocks on the water they can float so we can get across” Said Jasmine. They found a charm so they jumped on the rocks, kicked the bushes, slid past trees, jumped over rocks and swang on vines. They ran in to the cave and came out the other side. Everyone woke up and saw them. They showed the charm and they kept it forever and ever. But one day the guardian from the poisonous waterfall came to their shelter. The guardian took the charm and left the village. The next day they found out the charm was gone. Jasmine and Bryanah saw some foot prints on the ground; it had stopped just in front of the cave. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh” Jasmine and Bryanah screamed. They were falling threw an underground tunnel when they came out they landed in a big castle full of aliens.
They slid through the lounge and found something shiny, Jasmine ran up to it, to get a better look at it. Bryanah went and looked around the other way to make sure nothing was coming. Bryanah saw one of the Aliens coming, it entered the room, and Jasmine squealed when she saw the Alien. Bryanah found an exit and called to Jasmine “come on Jasmine, let’s get out of here”.
They left the tunnel and the Aliens castle alone and now Bryanah and Jasmine learnt to never ever take things that don’t belong to them.
By Bryanah


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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