Californian Surf Off

Emma, Jacob and Erin were all surfing to practise for the big comp in California they were staying at 299km north of California. Practising at the best waves in California the water was sparkling like crystals and diamonds. Emma had a wave she did a tail whip with her surfboard when all of a sudden a surfer came and stole her wave and knocked her off her surfboard this girl stole her wave and Jacob and Erin knew that she was practising for the Californian surf off. Emma came up from under the water and swam back to shore and Jacob and Erin went back to the hotel to go sleep. Emma watched this girl on the waves, Emma waited until this girl came out to ask what her name was and if she was trying out for the Californian surf off. Two hours later she comes out of the water Emma runs up to the girl and asks what her name is and she replies “hi my name is Darcie”
“Oh hi Darcie I’m Emma, are you trying out for the Californian surf off “asks Emma, Darcie replies “ yeah, sorry for taking your wave “says Darcie “ it’s all right, do you want to come to our hotel” asks Emma, Darcie says “ sure”. So they set off to the hotel when they get there Erin and Jacob are there when Darcie and Emma walk through the door Erin and Jacob expect them to be fighting but they are actually laughing. Darcie stays there from three to seven.

The Day of Surf Comp.

The day has come and Erin, Jacob and Emma are so nervous and excited about this comp Emma is looking around for Darcie she can’t find her she’s she keeps looking around then she spots her she runs up to Darcie she says “Darcie” and Darcie looks around and Darcie totally ignores Emma, Emma runs up to Darcie and says “hey” Darcie just walks off like she doesn’t know Emma like she’s a stranger so Emma had walked up to her and said “ Hey Darcie why are you like totally ignoring me” “ I’m not I’m just don’t want anything to do with you while I’m going to win “ replies Darcie. Emma just walks off. When she gets back to her tent with Erin and Jacob she says to Jacob Darcie just totally ignored me like I was a stranger so Emma just put it behind her and focused on the comp and worried about Darcie after the comp. The first twenty minutes half has started it’s the under 20s surfing and Emma is wear the blue shirt and Erin is wearing the pink shirt Jacob is wearing the orange shirt. Emma has got twenty-three points, Jacob has fifteen points, Erin has thirty one points and Darcie has twenty-one points. So Emma and Darcie were basically fighting for no reason because Erin ended up winning

The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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