The First Day Of Summer

For the first time in months, Violet woke early, 7:05am to be precise. She threw the sheets off of her, ran out into the hallway and out the front door. With closed eyes, she breathed in heavily. “Finally its summer!” she breathed out.
However, it did not look at all like summer. Violet opened her eyes and when she didn’t feel the sun shining on her face or see the flowers blooming brightly, she was very confused.
“What’s happened to the sun?” she asked herself with a frown. After weeks of being trapped inside with the heater on high and having to be wrapped in blankets every night, Violet was desperate for summer to come back.
What she didn’t expect though, was for summer to be winter.
“Daisy! Have you looked outside?” Violet said into the phone.
“Yes, it’s so weird,” Daisy replied. “It’s like the sun’s died.”
Daisy and Violet had been best friends for nine years now and they both loved summer. They described summer as their life; they could not live without it. They did not understand people who didn’t like summer or loved winter, and they certainly did not understand why the sun wasn’t out when it should’ve been.
“Well, what do we do? I planned to go to the beach with you today,” Violet told Daisy.
“How about I come over to your house and we can talk about it there,” Daisy decided.
When Daisy arrived, both girls sat on the front lawn, looking up with confused and upset looks on their faces.
“I wish I was magic.” Violet said.
Daisy laughed. “Why?”
“So that I could just blow to the sky, and the sun would appear. Bright and warm as ever,” she explained. “And then we could go to the beach every day and not dread the lead up to winter because it would never come!”
Daisy laughed with excitement. “That would be so cool. No more blasting heaters or staying indoors all day… Try it!”
“Try what?”
“Try blowing to the sky, like you said.”
“Daisy, I was just joking,” Violet laughed.
“I know it sounds silly, but can you just try it?” Daisy nagged.
Violet gave Daisy an ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this’ kind of look and then tilted her up to the grey, sunless sky, put her lips together and blew.
Astonishingly, the clouds began to part, the sun broke through and a warm atmosphere formed. Both girls looked at each other, then at the sky, then back to each other.
“Violet, you’re magic!”
They both burst out laughing, the sun shining on their faces.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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