
There I stood, waiting patiently in the tall grass. My prey was directly in front of me. Its black and white body shimmered slightly in the hot African sun. It was separated from its herd, which was on the other side of the savanna. I felt the earth underneath my tawny paws. It was soft and crumbly after the rainy season. The zebra looked the other way for a moment, and I seized my chance. I pounced on the young zebra, closing my jaws around its neck, and the life drained out of it. I thanked the earth for my meal, my gift.

After eating my meal, the remains were left for the hyenas, vultures and other scavengers. I padded over to the nearest waterhole for a drink. The water sparkled in the sun, and as I bent over to lap up some cool water, I caught sight of my reflection. My tawny fur glimmered, my amber eyes shone. The whiskers on my cheeks looked like spiderwebs in the early morning light. Beauty is a gift.

Eventually, I walked over to where all my pride sisters and pride leader were relaxing in the shade. I nuzzled my family. There were fifteen lionesses, eight cubs and one male, who was the leader. He has a dark mane and is feared by many nomads. Protection is our leader's gift.

Together as a pride, as a family, we are strong. We brave through the worst, we hunt, we respect and we enjoy each other's company. We are part of each other. Family is one of the great gifts.

It may sound cruel, us lions and other predators killing animals to eat, but it is life. We weren't created to eat grass like the zebra, or fruit like the monkey. We all have our own way of life. The lions, leopards and cheetahs hunt, the hyenas, and vultures scavenge. The zebra, giraffe, elephant, and many other animals eat the earth's gifts.

We are all connected in a way, and we are all here for a reason. We all serve a purpose, and we the time comes, we die. We can't change it, we have to accept it. Every animal in the entire world is a gift. I am a gift. I am Zawadi.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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