The 100 Steps Of Terror

One night not long ago Jake and I were walking home from the pub through the park. Jake was a bit drunk. Jake says “hey Tim imagine one day we were walking down this very path and then this giant door just drops right in front of us and we open it and there is a staircase with blood dripping down” I reply “I don’t think that will ever happen Jake”. Just then a giant door dropped right in front of them with the door opened and blood dripping down from a staircase lit by torches. Then we hear a faint cry coming from the top of the stairs “we are climbing it, Tim” Jake proclaims “no Jake” I respond “yes!” Jake said almost shouting “Ok Jake but no injuries are my fault” I say nervously. We started climbing the stairs, at that moment we heard the cry again but this time it was closer. Before you can say boo the door behind us closed with a loud pound. Instantly right in front of us there were two weapons hanging from the ceiling with a note. The note said “take these weapons for your protection and fight through the one hundred steps of Terror”, I took the silver sword and Jake took the flamethrower. We walked about twenty-five steps, when this screaming ghost girl started flying towards us. Jake fumbled with his flamethrower but just in time he burned the ghost girl to ashes. “That was really close” Jake said. We walked up thirty-five steps more when we started feeling drowsy, right before we dozed off I saw this green gas spreading around us, then we fainted. I woke up with Jake and I tied to a log which was carried by headless men; I woke Jake up and told him what happened and he swore. We were carried to the top of the steps where we saw a group of headless men dancing around a bon fire, I had a bad feeling we were getting cooked. The headless men were talking in a foreign language, and then they were dancing and singing around the fire for two hours. After the two hours they were dancing they prepared a humongous tray which can fit two people in it, and then they came to us, dragged us on the tray and threw the tray on top of a rack that was on top of the fire we were getting really hot our sweat was making the fire hotter. We thought this was the end of us, but all of a sudden we woke up in the pub heads on the counter with the bar attendant waking us up, I thought this was heaven but I realised it was just a dream, I turned around to look at Jake, and he had the same face as I did. We payed for our drinks then went home.
The end!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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