A Criminal In Disguise

Blood exuded down the shady figures oesophagus, staining the gravel landscape. Its sticky substance maneuvered into the creek bed, discolouring the fundaments of its clear, limitless existence. Emotionless eyes stared at the inert form of its victim, feeling no remorse upon their killings. It satisfied the psychotic brute, seeing the life of another wash away into nothing. The mourning howls of distant wolves carried in the winds, penetrating the atmosphere with their shrieking melodies. However, they weren’t normal; it morphed into something more sinister – more unnatural and terrifying. The killer lifted its cranium, sensing the disturbance of pack relatives. They would eventually draw closer, and the victim’s body would become another’s meal.

Rocks crunched beneath its hefty feet, as it bent down towards the dead woman. Her blonde locks were stained in red, and the smell of flesh was captivating – almost too intoxicating. Its deformed hands wrapped around her neck, crushing it with little effort. Bones twisted and cracked, for blood spurted all over the terra, tainting the murderer’s fur. In a matter of seconds, the woman’s head was ripped from its place, having the spine follow in pursuit. The ground had been recoloured, though, it seemed better this way.

A grin outstretched among the brute’s orifice, for this was his routine. The head was thrown aside, but, the body remained in place. This would be the finale; the killer’s symbol of absolute triumph and replenishment. One paw was positioned at the beginning of the woman’s open neck, as a claw hooked inside. Its grin grew wider. Slowly, it ripped its talons down the remains of the body, cutting it open to expose the insides. Skin detached from where it should be, and organs became visible. The sound of it was pleasing for the killer, as he continued to rip down in lone justice.


An open carcass lay before him, and every beating organ had stopped. There was just one more thing; the killer reached down and detached the woman’s dead heart, placing it in her right hand. This was his symbol – his way of life in human society. To fit in, he must become famous; a human in camouflage of a deformed animal – roaming the streets in pursuit for its next victim. Its teeth were bared, and the howls got louder. The sun was nearly up, and this monster knew that police would soon find the body of this woman. It didn’t matter, though, right? He was a killer- a murderer- a criminal in disguise.



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