Malaysia Airlines

"Flight 35, Malaysia Boeing 777 now ready to board."
I hop up out of my seat ready to board my plane; I sling my backpack onto my back and start to head towards the gate. I feel worried I have never been on a plane before; I think it is scary. While I was standing in line, looking out the left window at landing planes, two five people families push inline. I pass my ticket over and they rip it in half.
“Hey why did you rip my ticket up?” I asked.
‘It’s only to show you have gone through the gate.” Say’s the lady at the gate.
I grab the ticket and walk through the gate. Bag on my back, I stroll into the front door of the plane. There’s a lady at the door, I give her a faint smile “hello.”
My thick woolly jumper and denim jeans keep me warm. I walk through the corridor to try finding isle 14 seat 4. After finding the seat and isle, I find someone sitting in my seat. I explain to her that the seat sitting in my seat. She moves over a seat and starts to eat Raspberries.
We take off smoothly. I take time to search through the movies: The mask, Nitro Circus the movie, The Wiggles and Playschool all seasons. I watch about half of Nitro Circus and fall asleep.
Flying from Beijing across to Launceston is a long trip; I have got hardly any sleep. Two Jets came roaring past, over the P.A the captain said, “Don’t worry people these Jets have only came to check up on us.” A guy comes into the back, “Guys we have a problem, This plane is being hijacked!”. The plane suddenly jerked out of the sky. The turbulence is horrible, we then became quickly level. I look out the window, both engines are out. “People stay calm but we have no engines, we are going down!” Horrified, everyone screames and put the masks over our face, the lights are becoming darker and darker.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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