Victoria's Desire

Victoria was a born beauty and scholar. She had everything she ever wanted in life except friendship and true love. Every girl wanted to be her and every boy was in love with her beauty and brains.

Although she was always in the spotlight and seemed so happy, her life was not without rivalry and competition. Yet, she defeated them all effortlessly. It was no surprise when she emerged the winner of the most important beauty pageant in her early 20’s. However, she was ill with loneliness and tired of dealing with men whose intentions were hardly noble. Even though she was perfect in every single way, true friendship and love were very hard to come by.

In her early 20’s Victoria also started her own show. Her beauty caught the attention of the president of a news network. He told her to go and work for him and she hesitant initially. She feared the bad intentions of men. He convinced her that he is indeed a honorable man. He offered her privileges and financial amounts which she could not refuse.

One of the problems that she had was with her female colleague, Alice. Alice wouldn’t be called a beauty but instead she would have been the opposite. She had a round circular face and was quite plump. She was very jealous of Victoria and so because of that, she was determined to make Victoria’s days very hard and frustrating.

One day, her colleague had enough of being jealous of Victoria, so she went out of her way to mess with Victoria’s car brakes. So maliciously, she then knocked on the door of the beauty.

When Victoria awakened from her unconscious state, she realized she was in a hospital. However, the scars and deformations left on her face from the crash, no longer allowed her to lead the life of the past. The world had forgotten her so fast and her boss had replaced her so fast. In the cold ward of the hospital true love finally came to Victoria.

Her plastic surgeon in the form of tall handsome and smart called Doctor Vincent came everyday to analyze her and sometimes just came over for a chat. Due to his devotion and loving attention, a feeling of love blossomed in her heart. She started to fall in love with him and he respected her of what she is and her desire to be loved.

She adored every moment of his patience and his generous, loving heart. A special bond developed between them and it continued to grow.

After several operations, they started to mound Victoria's face. During the entire process, they began to fall in love even more with each passing day.

The president of the network started to want her back but failed. Victoria realized that she had finally found true love. It was a love of the heart over her physical beauty and intelligence. It was this true love that brought eternal happiness.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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