Kiki's Diary

Hi! I am Kiki and I am the [apparent] nerd on the block. Yes, I do have glasses about the size of your lunchbox, and yes, I live in the corner of my mum’s library. Well, not like really live in a library but I spend most of my time in there. Now, I am going to tell you the story of my life.

Ok, I REALLY, like REALLY love Albert Einstein. I have a life sized cardboard cut-out of him in my Albert Einstein decorated private bathroom. I even have a cleaning sponge with his face on it. I like to dance too. Not like I can or anything but, you know everything is worth a try. Except for this because if I went to a dance school the teacher would probably die of how bad at dancing I was. So that’s enough bad things about me, let’s talk about my talents.
This is really weird but I can play the harmonica with my nose. The song I am best at is the ‘Wheels on the Bus’. I tried this talent out at my school talent show. Of course the harmonica I used was about to break so when I first breathed into it with my nose, it snapped. Oh, and my dad is a scientist who studies dirt. It sounds boring but it actually isn’t.

Right now you are probably thinking “I wish I knew what happened every day for her. Her life is really interesting and she is like so popular, “well, just to let you know I am not popular but I am interesting. Here is a little story that happened yesterday at school.

I was minding my own business, doing my work when to my horror, mum turned up. As soon as I saw her in the doorway, I knew that this wasn’t good. She held out a pair of my knickers and said “I think you forgot something sweetie!” Before she turned up I was happily doing my work, and after she turned up, I was crouched on the floor screaming.

This is just one of the things that happened to me daily. So now you are probably saying “wow, your life is terrible,” and it is so I don’t blame you. I am now going to finish off my first diary entry by saying I have no friends so if you are willing to help, call me at…. I don’t have a phone so um sorry!

Love Kiki


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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